Online courses directory (264)
This Introduction to Managing Safety and Health in Schools online course aims to assist school principals and teachers in their understanding of managing workplace safety, health and welfare. It covers areas such as Completing a Safety Statement, Roles and Responsibility as well as Accident Reporting.<br /><br />
RE: LAUNCHING ON JUNE 7TH 2016. This MOOC is aimed at anyone wishing to understand the basics of population health. It provides a general introduction to some of the key themes, topics and discussion relevant to population health across the world. Primarily aimed for the general public, the course will also help those already working in health and social care who wish to improve their knowledge and understanding on this topic.
Explore how food intersects with public health and the environment as it moves from field to plate.
Interdisciplinary course exploring the future of medical education. Featuring thought leaders, educators, innovators, physicians and technologists.
How do we empower patients to improve their own health? Learn the neuroscience, psychology, and design principles behind effective patient engagement.
Internet Enduring Material Sponsored by: Stanford University School of Medicine // Presented by: The Division of Infectious Diseases in the Department of Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine
L'objectif du cours est de permettre une compréhension pluridisciplinaire du dopage. Ce cours est une opportunité d'observer comment diverses disciplines abordent un même objet, selon différents angles et de manière complémentaire. Il s'agit également de donner des repères permettant d'appréhender le dopage dans sa complexité.
This 12 session course is designed for the beginning or novice archer and uses recurve indoor target bows and equipment. The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the basic techniques of indoor target archery emphasizing the care and use of equipment, range safety, stance and shooting techniques, scoring and competition.
Be prepared to handle the challenges you and your parents will face in the coming years, while learning to cherish the transition.
This course illuminates current theories about autism together with challenges faced by people on the autism spectrum. Theories in communicating, interacting socially, managing cognitive and affective overload, and achieving independent lifestyles are covered. In parallel, the course presents state-of-the-art technologies being developed for helping improve both theoretical understanding and practical outcomes. Participants are expected to meet and interact with people on the autism spectrum. Weekly reading, discussion, and a term project are required.
This online course was developed by the National Federation of Voluntary Bodies. It is intended for front-line staff working in services for people with disabilities. The online course covers all the essential theory aspects of manual handling instruction. It provides staff with an overview of the relevant Irish Health and Safety Legislation. Understanding how the back works and precautions to take both at home and at work that will prevent injury are covered. The course includes the principles of safe lifting. It is intended as a refresher training course for staff who have previously completed a one day Manual Handling course. This online course covers the theory section, and separately a practical skills training session led by a qualified manual handling instructor (and lasting between 2-4 hours) should be completed within 2 weeks of completion of the course.
This free online course Back Safety training provides learners with useful information on how to take the relevant precautions against back injury at their place of work. This programme combines exercises within each module with a quiz at the end of each module.
This course will survey fundamental principles of cognitive and behavioral neurology. The emphasis of the course will be on the neural mechanisms underlying aspects of cognition and on diseases that affect intellect and behavior. No prior background in neurology, medicine, or neuroscience is required.
Prepare for a rewarding career as a valued member of the physical therapy team.
Learn what it takes to become an optical assistant and discover why it's one of today's most popular and fascinating career opportunities.
Become a confident trainer by developing an understanding of Adult learners and what motivates them to learn.
<p>This free online course provides an introduction to behaviour-based safety. It is designed primarily for supervisors and team leaders, but may be useful to anyone requiring an overview of the concepts involved. </p> <br /> <p>It may be of particular use to Health and Safety Auditors, Representatives and Officers or Managers. </p>
We introduce the characteristics and related analytic challenges on dealing with clinical data from electronic health records. Many of those insights come from medical informatics community and data mining/machine learning community. There are three thrusts in this course: Application, Algorithm and System
Discover how genetics has revolutionised the detection and treatment of cancer, and how these may develop in the future.
This course will explore new breakthroughs in the treatment of patients during cardiac arrest and after successful resuscitation, including new approaches to cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and post-arrest care.
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