Courses tagged with "Class2Go" (2)
This topic focuses on how to design and create products that solve real problems and bring academic content to life. Ping pong ball launcher introduction. Build a ping pong ball launcher . Update and modify your ping pong ball launcher.
Videos exploring the way things work. These videos have recently been updated to include 1080p HD versions. What is inside an alarm clock radio?. What is inside a hair dryer? (1 of 2). What is inside a hair dryer? (2 of 2). What is inside a digital camera? (1 of 2). What is inside a digital camera? (2 of 2). What is inside a coffee maker?. What is inside a DVD player? (1 of 5). What is inside a DVD player? (2 of 5). What is inside a DVD player? (3 of 5). What is inside a DVD player? (4 of 5). What is inside a DVD player? (5 of 5). What is inside a universal remote control?. What is inside a tap light?.
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