Online courses directory (67)
Learn how to significantly improve the quality of your most important relationships for the rest of your life!
Have you ever wanted to know for sure if you are dating "the one"? This course will clarify and verify the one for you!
In this section we take the time to understand a little more about our current situation so that we can gain clarity.
In this section, you start by understanding how you arrived to exactly the point at which you’re standing.
This section is about finding your bottom, your current pain point in your life.
Realistic scheduling is a combination of art and science. Realistic scheduling is very difficult. Here are 12 Tips.
Complete fat loss program. Personal training videos that focus on fat burning workouts at your own home.
Learn this wonderful healing energy with this fully comprehensive Certified Reiki Training.
Um curso simples e surpreendente para entrar em 2014 com uma atitude positiva e vencedora. Grátis, poderoso, mágico.
Do you ever wonder why you aren’t as happy and fulfilled as you should be, given everything you have? Or perhaps you are about to graduate and want to know what it takes to lead a happy and fulfilling life. Or maybe you are already as happy as happy can be, but are just curious about the latest findings from the science of happiness. Whatever your situation, this course is for you. By taking it, not only will you learn about “7 deadly happiness sins,” you will also learn how to overcome them through the “7 habits of the highly happy.” .
This course will explore academic integrity and how you can demonstrate it in your work, study and research at university.
Attention licensed acupuncturists and students! Learn how to correctly and successfully treat Bell’s Palsy
We will explore the changing political choices and ethical dilemmas of American scientists from the atomic scientists of World War II to biologists in the present wrestling with the questions raised by cloning and other biotechnologies. As well as asking how we would behave if confronted with the same choices, we will try to understand the choices scientists have made by seeing them in their historical and political contexts. Some of the topics covered include: the original development of nuclear weapons and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; the effects of the Cold War on American science; the space shuttle disasters; debates on the use of nuclear power, wind power, and biofuels; abuse of human subjects in psychological and other experiments; deliberations on genetically modified food, the human genome project, human cloning, embryonic stem cell research; and the ethics of archaeological science in light of controversies over museum collections.
Explore how food intersects with public health and the environment as it moves from field to plate.
French is spoken by millions of people in many countries around the world and is a very popular second language to learn. ALISON's free online course is a series of engaging video lessons for beginners that introduces the learner to various aspects of the French language including basic French vocabulary and grammar. By studying this French course you will quickly pick up conversational French that will help you deal with everyday situations you may find yourself in when you visit a French speaking country. <br /><br />ALISON's online course will help you learn French online and will be of great interest to all learners who want to pick up basic French language skills.<br />
German is spoken by nearly one hundred million people in central European countries such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Liechtenstein, and is the most widely-spoken first language in the European Union. Germany is internationally recognised as the industrial and economic powerhouse of Europe, so a working knowledge of German is essential for professionals in areas such as business, finance, economics and politics. In this free online German language course you will be introduced to basic German vocabulary and grammar. You will learn about times of the day, colours, numbers, the alphabet, and important verbs. This free online German language course will be of great interest to all professionals who would like to begin learning German, and to all learners who would like to be introduced to this very important European language.<br />
This hands-on course introduces you to science-based skills through simple and exciting physics, chemistry and biology experiments
This course explains how you can use numbers to describe the natural world and make sense of everything from atoms to oceans.
The goal of this class is to prove that category theory is a powerful language for understanding and formalizing common scientific models. The power of the language will be tested by its ability to penetrate into taken-for-granted ideas, either by exposing existing weaknesses or flaws in our understanding, or by highlighting hidden commonalities across scientific fields.
In this interdisciplinary seminar, we explore a variety of visual and written tools for self exploration and self expression. Through discussion, written assignments, and directed exercises, students practice utilizing a variety of media to explore and express who they are.
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