Introduction to the Cardiovascular System
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The human cardiovascular system is made up of the heart, blood vessels and blood supply. These act as one system to supply vital oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to tissues and remove carbon dioxide and metabolic waste products. This system also plays a central role in stabilizing body temperature and pH levels, as well as maintaining homeostasis. In this free online cardiovascular anatomy and physiology course, the learner will explore the structure and functions of the cardiovascular system. The course explains the composition of blood and provides an overview of how blood is used for transport and energy mobilization. It also outlines how the blood responds to haemorrhage and is involved in maintaining the correct body temperature. The course then examines blood vessels, explaining the function and location of arteries, veins and capillaries. Finally, it covers the anatomy of the heart, describing the structure of the chambers of the heart, the cardiac valves and the heart walls. It also describes the pericardium, the NAVL and the fibrous skeleton of the heart. This free online cardiovascular anatomy and physiology course will be of great interest to professionals in the health care sector who would like a greater knowledge and understanding of the human cardiovascular system. Students of medicine and biology who would like to study the structure and function of the heart, blood vessels and blood supply, which make up this very important anatomical system, will also find this course of great help.<br /> Categories:
Life Sciences
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