This course provides an introduction to various classes of derivative securities and we will learn how to price them using "risk-neutral pricing". In the follow-up to this course (FE & RM Part II) we will consider portfolio optimization, risk management and more advanced examples of derivatives pricing including, for example, real options and energy derivatives.
This course follows on from FE & RM Part I. We will consider portfolio optimization, risk management and some advanced examples of derivatives pricing that draw from structured credit, real options and energy derivatives. We will also cast a critical eye on how financial models are used in practice.
Learn about diverse and integrated markets for primary energy, and the essential considerations driving business leaders and policy makers in development of global energy resources.
The majority of businesses say they want to become more global. And business leaders say that the lack of people with global intelligence is the key constraint holding them back. This course will address both gaps — at the business and the personal level, it will focus on practical strategies for dealing with the real consequences of globalization.
This course uses the fictionalized story of Jim Barton as the CEO of a manufacturing company (first published in the book Harder Than I Thought and now dramatized in this course) to examine important issues in 21st century leadership.
Learn how fashion and luxury companies work and understand their brands, products, retail, and communication strategies. Travel through business models, international development, and product categories with industry influent experts.
In the expression “creative thinking”, the keyword is not creativity; the keyword is thinking. With the help of great philosophers, you will rediscover the art of thinking.
This course is a brief introduction into public economics theory. It covers main economic functions of government, including taxation, regulation, and social service delivery, and touches upon economic, social, political and administrative aspects of government’s involvement in economy.
In this course you will learn how to create societal impact through Social Entrepreneurship (S-ENT). S-ENT describes the discovery and sustainable exploitation of opportunities to create social change. We will introduce you to S-ENT examples and guide you through the process of identifying an opportunity to address social problems as well as outlining your idea in a business plan.
Gain knowledge about subsistence marketplaces and use it in different parts of the world to make a difference. The broader aim of this course is for you to consider the global challenge of poverty and envision a better world by designing solutions based on sound understanding.
What does the future hold for global markets? How are societies and cultures evolving? Who will be global powers of the 21st century? Take this class and find out how global trends are transforming business and society.
Learn how to make effective decisions about your future career and how to take control of your professional development by honing your critical thinking and employability skills.
Suitable for anyone undertaking some form of study, regardless of academic discipline, interests or employment background.
Discussions of economic topics and how they relate to current events.
Unemployment. Unemployment Rate Primer (v2). Unemployment Rate Primer. Simple Analysis of Cost per Job Saved from Stimulus. Unemployment. Unemployment Rate Primer (v2). Unemployment Rate Primer. Simple Analysis of Cost per Job Saved from Stimulus.
Prisoners' Dilemma and Nash Equilibrium. More on Nash Equilibrium. Why Parties to Cartels Cheat. Game Theory of Cheating Firms. Prisoners' Dilemma and Nash Equilibrium. More on Nash Equilibrium. Why Parties to Cartels Cheat. Game Theory of Cheating Firms.
Personal and Family Financial Planning will address many critical personal financial management topics in order to help you learn prudent habits both while in school and throughout your lifetime.
Sustainability is a practice operating across a variety of scales and skills. We will explore the ways that decision makers use systems analysis and design thinking to confront the career-defining challenges facing the next generation of leaders. Networks of practice from across North America and around the globe will provide case material and guest lectures.
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