Online courses directory (841)
In this course, Tina Seelig reveals a set of tools and conditions that we each control - our Innovation Engine - that allows us to increase our own creativity and that of our teams and organizations. She shows that just as the scientific method demystifies the process of discovery, there is a...
Good decision-making is an essential life skill most people acquire through trial and error. Few have had the benefit of formal training in decision making or are aware of decision science. This course demonstrates how a framework to help us make better decisions, decision quality, can help...
Good decision-making is an essential life skill most people acquire through trial and error. Few have had the benefit of formal training in decision making or are aware of decision science. This course demonstrates how a framework to help us make better decisions, decision quality, can help...
Decision Quality (DQ) is a practical and systematic approach that methodically breaks down barriers and improves the quality and speed of important decisions.In this five-week introductory course, you’ll work in teams to learn the DQ approach, which draws from the disciplines of business,...
Entre más irreversibles son las decisiones que un proyecto involucra, mayor esfuerzo debe asignarse a la valorización de sus distintas alternativas. Este curso muestra como evaluar proyectos utilizando las metodologías financieras tradicionales de flujos de caja descontados, incorporando en las...
This course reviews management literature, and is designed for individuals and teams who want to utilize research in core business fields to become more effective managers. This course is designed for participants in organizations of all sizes, including entrepreneurs, managers in corporations...
Accelerate your startup through hands-on guidance from a board of peers and experts custom-built for your venture. Learn how the most successful startups seek guidance from the smartest people in their industry to avoid common startup traps. Immediately apply your learning to your new venture,...
Environmental sustainability has emerged as the imperative management undertaking for business sustainability in the face of rising global demand for natural resources and environment services and of environmental problems such as climate change. This course will examine how regulatory and...
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