Online courses directory (273)
This course is taught in four main parts. The first is a review of fundamental thermodynamic concepts (e.g. energy exchange in propulsion and power processes), and is followed by the second law (e.g. reversibility and irreversibility, lost work). Next are applications of thermodynamics to engineering systems (e.g. propulsion and power cycles, thermo chemistry), and the course concludes with fundamentals of heat transfer (e.g. heat exchange in aerospace devices).
This course covers the thermo-fluid dynamic phenomena and analysis methods for conventional and nuclear power stations. Specific topics include: kinematics and dynamics of two-phase flows; steam separation; boiling, instabilities, and critical conditions; single-channel transient analysis; multiple channels connected at plena; loop analysis including single and two-phase natural circulation; and subchannel analysis.
This course offers you the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the life and work of the young Albert Einstein and especially his mind-bending special theory of relativity.
The basic objective of Unified Engineering is to give a solid understanding of the fundamental disciplines of aerospace engineering, as well as their interrelationships and applications. These disciplines are Materials and Structures (M); Computers and Programming (C); Fluid Mechanics (F); Thermodynamics (T); Propulsion (P); and Signals and Systems (S). In choosing to teach these subjects in a unified manner, the instructors seek to explain the common intellectual threads in these disciplines, as well as their combined application to solve engineering Systems Problems (SP). Throughout the year, the instructors emphasize the connections among the disciplines.
Course Summary
In this first part of Vehicle Dynamics, we illuminate the longitudinal dynamic aspects of vehicles.
Clear and brief: acceleration and braking.
In Detail: After an introduction, we will look at driving resistances and slip, explain the demand of power and limits of a car, then clarify the needs for a clutch and gears and look at the rear and front weights during acceleration and braking. The course will be finished by two applications from automotive mechatronics.
What will I learn?
By the end of the course you will …
- understand basic principles of accelerating and braking a car.
- know the driving resistances and their influences on vehicle dynamics.
- understand the discrepancy between demands and limits of powertrain.
- understand the necessity of gears and clutch.
- understand the correlation between braking, wheel load and recovery of energy.
- be able to calculate simple properties of a car.
What do I have to know?
Some basic understanding of the following subjects will help you successfully participate in this course: Algebra; Trigonometric Functions; Differential Calculus; Linear Algebra; Vectors; Coordinate Systems; Force, Torque, Equilibrium; Mass, Center of Gravity, Moment of Inertia; Method of Sections, Friction, Newton's Law, (Lagrange's Equation)
Course structure
This course has a total of 12 chapters, and the topics for each chapter are the following:
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Chapter 2: Introduction and Rolling Resistance
Chapter 3: Resistances: Grading, Acceleration, Aerodynamic Drag
Chapter 4: Real and ideal characteristic maps
Chapter 5: Approximation of the ideal map: Clutch and transmission
Chapter 6: Driving performance and axle loads
Chapter 7: ABS: Anti-lock Braking System
Chapter 8: ACC
Chapter 9: Homework Solutions Chapters 1 -3
Chapter 10: Homework Solutions Chapter 4 - 5
Chapter 11: Homework Solutions Chapter 6 - 8
Chapter 12: Solution of the exam
Course Summary
In this second part of Vehicle Dynamics, we will illuminate the lateral dynamic aspects of vehicles.
Clear and brief: the cornering of a car.
In Detail: We will start with a simple single-track model and then describe the slip angle of a wheel. The slip angle results in cornering forces, which are essential for understanding lateral dynamics. After that, we will look at the dependency between longitudinal and lateral forces using Kamm’s circle and Krempel’s diagram. Then we will investigate steady state cornering, stability and the influence of different weight distributions between inner and outer side wheels of the car. The course will finish with two applications from automotive mechatronics.
What will I learn?
At the end of the course you will …
- understand basic principles of cornering of a car.
- know slip angle and cornering forces.
- understand the single track model.
- understand the steady state cornering, stability and the influence of different weight distribution between inner and outer side of the car.
- be able to calculate simple properties of a car.
What do I have to know?
Some basic understanding of the following subjects will help you successfully participate in this course:
Algebra; Trigonometric Functions; Differential Calculus; Linear Algebra; Vectors; Coordinate Systems; Force, Torque, Equilibrium; Mass, Center of Gravity, Moment of Inertia; Method of Sections, Friction, Newton's Law, (Lagrange's Equation)
Course structure
This course has a total of 10 chapters, and the topics for each chapter are the following:
Chapter 1: Preliminaries
Chapter 2: Single-Track Model
Chapter 3: Tyre side slip
Chapter 4: Steady state cornering
Chapter 5: Solution of linear single track model
Chapter 6: Stability and step steer
Chapter 7: Wheelload transfer
Chapter 8: Suspension systems
Chapter 9: Active lateral systems
Chapter 10: Solutions Homework: Part 1
Chapter 11: Solutions Homework: Part 2
Course Summary
In this third part of Vehicle Dynamics, we will illuminate the vertical dynamic aspects of vehicles. In short, we will describe the elements involved when a car drives on a bumpy or rough street.
We will start with a survey of suspensions and springs and dampers. After this, we will explain the description of rough streets and give an introduction to Fourier integrals. Next, we will take a closer look at vertical models. In the last fundamental part of the course, we will describe the conflict between driving safety and comfort. The course will be finished with two applications from automotive mechatronics.
What will I learn?
At the end of the course you will …
- know different kinds of suspensions, springs and dampers.
- know the description of rough and bumpy streets.
- understand the Fourier integral.
- understand the conflict between driving safety and comfort.
- be able to calculate simple properties of a car.
What do I have to know?
Some basic understanding of the following subjects will help you successfully participate in this course:
Algebra; Trigonometric Functions; Differential Calculus; Linear Algebra; Vectors; Coordinate Systems; Force, Torque, Equilibrium; Mass, Center of Gravity, Moment of Inertia; Method of Sections, Friction, Newton's Law, (Lagrange's Equation)
Course structure
This course has a total of 11 chapters, and the topics for each chapter are the following:
Chapter 1: Overview
Chapter 2: Damped Oscillator
Chapter 3: Fourier integral
Chapter 4: Conflict: Comfort vs. Safety I
Chapter 5: Conflict: Comfort vs. Safety II
Chapter 6: Ideal active system and skyhook damper principle
Chapter 7: Vibration absorber in powertrains
Chapter 8: Models and nonlinearities
Chapter 9: Homework solutions of chapter 1, 2 and 3
Chapter 10: Homework solutions of chapter 4, 5 and 6
Chapter 11: Homework solutions of chapter 7 and 8
Exam for the Certificate Track users: 17.07-31.07.2016 (exam period has been pushed forward)
This course teaches scientists to become more effective writers, using practical examples and exercises. Topics include: principles of good writing, tricks for writing faster and with less anxiety, the format of a scientific manuscript, and issues in publication and peer review.
Курс посвящен изучению базовых законов электростатики и магнитостатики.
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