Online courses directory (212)
Designed for teachers and learners in every setting - in school and out, in formal learning environments or at home - this course is an introduction to the theory and practice of well-structured talk that builds the mind.
Overview of some of the ways to use Khan Academy. For more information, including worksheets to help plan the first day and month with Khan Academy, check out . Easiest Way. Station Rotation. Learning Lab. Interactive Classroom. Using class time.
Answers to teachers' questions about Khan Academy and how it can be used in the classroom. Answers may come from Khan Academy team members and/or teachers who use Khan Academy with their students. Khan Academy chats with teachers - Oct 11, 2012. Khan Academy chats with teachers - Oct 11, 2012.
This course will explore indigenous ways of knowing and how this knowledge can inform education to the benefit of all students.
This is an introductory course on the fundamentals of online education. You will learn how to convert your face-to-face class into a robust online course based on theory and practice.
Collection of interviews with and presentations by Salman Khan. Also a few other mentions of Khan Academy at other talks. Khan Academy's Discovery Lab Offers Hands-On Learning. Salman Khan Describes Future Classrooms with Blended Learning. 60 minutes: The future of education?. Salman Khan talk at TED 2011 (from Salman Khan on Charlie Rose. Khan Academy on Perry's Principles (6/2/2011). KA on John Stossel Documentary. Microsoft CEO Summit Innovation in Education. MIT 2012 Commencement Address. Salman Khan at Rice University's 2012 commencement. 60 minutes: Khan Academy's "world-changing" plan for schools. 60 minutes: Google's Eric Schmidt on Khan Academy. 60 minutes: School of the future. 60 minutes: Khan Academy in the classroom. Nightline: Learn Everything, Online. After Words: "The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined". Salman Khan at TiEcon 2011. PBS NewsHour on the Khan Academy. Salman Khan on CNN. Salman Khan Speaks at GEL (Good Experience Live) Conference. Salman Khan Talk at the MIT Club of Northern California. Salman Khan talk at Castilleja School on January 5th, 2010. Sal Khan Interview with IT Conversations - January 31,2010. Salman Khan interview with NPR's All Things Considered on 12/28/2009. Khan Academy on PBS NewsHour (Edited). Sal Khan (with a severe cold!) on Future Talk. Brian Lehrer Interview with Salman Khan. Salman Khan Interview with Bill Gates talks about the Khan Academy at Aspen Ideas Festival 2010. Khan Academy Vision and Social Return. Bay Area CBS Station with Salman Khan. CNN: Google award to Khan Academy. Fareed Zakaria talks about Khan Academy on CNN GPS. Khan Academy on the Gates Notes. Sal on ABC News. Forbes Names You Need To Know: Khan Academy. Salman Khan on KQED MindShift. Khan Academy Exercise Software. Khan Academy on Nightly News. Sal on Dylan Ratigan show. Authors@Google: Salman Khan. LinkedIn Speaker Series Salman Khan. TEDxSanJoseCA - Salman Khan - (Sequel to talk at TED). Salman Khan on Big Think. Salman Khan on Marketplace (NPR) on 5-24-2011. May 29th, 2011 CNN Piece. Khan Academy on California Report (June 2011). Ideal Math and Science Class Time. NPR Story on KA Los Altos Pilots (June 2011). Salman Khan interviewed on NPR's On Point. 21st Century Challenges (Royal Geographic Society). Answers for Malibu Magazine. NCSU Answers. Questions from Superinteressante (8-22-2011). Answers to Questions from the Independent. The Gates Notes: Sal on Khan Academy. The Gates Notes: Students in Los Altos. The Gates Notes: Teachers in Los Altos. The Gates Notes: Administrators in Los Altos. The Gates Notes: Insights into students' progress. Early Show. Brainwave Sep 2011. School Leadership Briefing Questions (Sep 12 2011) 2. School Leadership Briefing (Sep 12 2011). Center for Future of Museums. Sal during Education Week (Sep 2011) 1. Khan Academy on 20/20 (Sep 2011). Tom Brokaw interviews Sal at Education Nation 2011. Financial Times October 2011. 2011 Roundtable at Stanford: Education Nation 2.0. Year 2060: Education Predictions. Verbal Answers to "Ask Me Anything" on Reddit. Khan Academy Exercises and Data Reports Overview. Elizabeth Slavitt. Marcos Ojeda. Minli Virdone. Jessica Yuen. ED SESSION III with Sal Khan - Reactions in Idaho. Videocast with Sal Khan: Effectively Using Khan Academy. Khan Academy at Oakland Unity High School. Khan Academy at Marlborough School. Khan Academy at Summit Prep. Khan Academy at KIPP. Khan Academy at Eastside College Prep. Khan Academy in Los Altos School District. Navigating Video Content on Khan Academy. Khan Academy Exercise Overview. Khan Academy Vision. Sal Khan on Digital and Physical Learning. Khan Academy Computer Science Launch. Overview of Khan Academy reports overview. The Language Advocates. Radio Interview: Sal on AirTalk talking about his new book. Khan Academy in Idaho. Radio Interview: Sal Khan on Brian Lehrer (Oct 4, 2012). Radio Interview: Sal Khan on NPR's Talk of the Nation (October 23, 2012). Radio Interview: Sal Khan on Diane Rehm (Oct 3, 2012). Sal Khan on CNN Starting Point (Oct 5, 2012). Sal Khan on Piers Morgan Tonight (Oct 5, 2012). Sal's interview on the One World Schoolhouse (C-SPAN 2 After Words). Khan Academy's Discovery Lab Offers Hands-On Learning. Salman Khan Describes Future Classrooms with Blended Learning. 60 minutes: The future of education?. Salman Khan talk at TED 2011 (from Salman Khan on Charlie Rose. Khan Academy on Perry's Principles (6/2/2011). KA on John Stossel Documentary. Microsoft CEO Summit Innovation in Education. MIT 2012 Commencement Address. Salman Khan at Rice University's 2012 commencement. 60 minutes: Khan Academy's "world-changing" plan for schools. 60 minutes: Google's Eric Schmidt on Khan Academy. 60 minutes: School of the future. 60 minutes: Khan Academy in the classroom. Nightline: Learn Everything, Online. After Words: "The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined". Salman Khan at TiEcon 2011. PBS NewsHour on the Khan Academy. Salman Khan on CNN. Salman Khan Speaks at GEL (Good Experience Live) Conference. Salman Khan Talk at the MIT Club of Northern California. Salman Khan talk at Castilleja School on January 5th, 2010. Sal Khan Interview with IT Conversations - January 31,2010. Salman Khan interview with NPR's All Things Considered on 12/28/2009. Khan Academy on PBS NewsHour (Edited). Sal Khan (with a severe cold!) on Future Talk. Brian Lehrer Interview with Salman Khan. Salman Khan Interview with Bill Gates talks about the Khan Academy at Aspen Ideas Festival 2010. Khan Academy Vision and Social Return. Bay Area CBS Station with Salman Khan. CNN: Google award to Khan Academy. Fareed Zakaria talks about Khan Academy on CNN GPS. Khan Academy on the Gates Notes. Sal on ABC News. Forbes Names You Need To Know: Khan Academy. Salman Khan on KQED MindShift. Khan Academy Exercise Software. Khan Academy on Nightly News. Sal on Dylan Ratigan show. Authors@Google: Salman Khan. LinkedIn Speaker Series Salman Khan. TEDxSanJoseCA - Salman Khan - (Sequel to talk at TED). Salman Khan on Big Think. Salman Khan on Marketplace (NPR) on 5-24-2011. May 29th, 2011 CNN Piece. Khan Academy on California Report (June 2011). Ideal Math and Science Class Time. NPR Story on KA Los Altos Pilots (June 2011). Salman Khan interviewed on NPR's On Point. 21st Century Challenges (Royal Geographic Society). Answers for Malibu Magazine. NCSU Answers. Questions from Superinteressante (8-22-2011). Answers to Questions from the Independent. The Gates Notes: Sal on Khan Academy. The Gates Notes: Students in Los Altos. The Gates Notes: Teachers in Los Altos. The Gates Notes: Administrators in Los Altos. The Gates Notes: Insights into students' progress. Early Show. Brainwave Sep 2011. School Leadership Briefing Questions (Sep 12 2011) 2. School Leadership Briefing (Sep 12 2011). Center for Future of Museums. Sal during Education Week (Sep 2011) 1. Khan Academy on 20/20 (Sep 2011). Tom Brokaw interviews Sal at Education Nation 2011. Financial Times October 2011. 2011 Roundtable at Stanford: Education Nation 2.0. Year 2060: Education Predictions. Verbal Answers to "Ask Me Anything" on Reddit. Khan Academy Exercises and Data Reports Overview. Elizabeth Slavitt. Marcos Ojeda. Minli Virdone. Jessica Yuen. ED SESSION III with Sal Khan - Reactions in Idaho. Videocast with Sal Khan: Effectively Using Khan Academy. Khan Academy at Oakland Unity High School. Khan Academy at Marlborough School. Khan Academy at Summit Prep. Khan Academy at KIPP. Khan Academy at Eastside College Prep. Khan Academy in Los Altos School District. Navigating Video Content on Khan Academy. Khan Academy Exercise Overview. Khan Academy Vision. Sal Khan on Digital and Physical Learning. Khan Academy Computer Science Launch. Overview of Khan Academy reports overview. The Language Advocates. Radio Interview: Sal on AirTalk talking about his new book. Khan Academy in Idaho. Radio Interview: Sal Khan on Brian Lehrer (Oct 4, 2012). Radio Interview: Sal Khan on NPR's Talk of the Nation (October 23, 2012). Radio Interview: Sal Khan on Diane Rehm (Oct 3, 2012). Sal Khan on CNN Starting Point (Oct 5, 2012). Sal Khan on Piers Morgan Tonight (Oct 5, 2012). Sal's interview on the One World Schoolhouse (C-SPAN 2 After Words).
Overview of the videos, exercises, reports, and Computer Science resources available on Khan Academy, with emphasis on how resources can be used in classrooms. For more information, check out For a mapping of Khan Academy content to Common Core standards, check out Khan Academy overview. Khan Academy reports overview. Khan Academy Exercise Overview. Khan Academy Computer Science in the classroom.
This course will explore how digital cultures and learning cultures connect, and what this means for the ways in which we conduct education online. The course is not about how to ‘do’ e-learning; rather, it is an invitation to view online educational practices through a particular lens – that of popular and digital culture. Follow this course on Twitter at #edcmooc.
See how Khan Academy is used in real-life. Covers various models in public, charter, and independent schools as well as community programs with elementary, middle, and high school students. We're excited about the way these schools are using our resources and are eager to learn from more teachers and students. Khan Academy at Eastside College Prep. About Eastside Prep. Khan Academy in Los Altos School District. About LASD. 3rd graders build robots at Santa Rita Elementary School. NPR Story on KA Los Altos Pilots (June 2011). The Gates Notes: Teachers in Los Altos. The Gates Notes: Students in Los Altos. The Gates Notes: Administrators in Los Altos. 6th graders learn to build a Spider robot. Khan Academy at Oakland Unity High School. About Oakland Unity. Khan Academy chats with teachers - Oct 11, 2012. Khan Academy at KIPP. About KIPP. Khan Academy at Summit Prep. About Summit Public Schools. Khan Academy at Eastside College Prep. About Eastside Prep. Khan Academy in Los Altos School District. About LASD. 3rd graders build robots at Santa Rita Elementary School. NPR Story on KA Los Altos Pilots (June 2011). The Gates Notes: Teachers in Los Altos. The Gates Notes: Students in Los Altos. The Gates Notes: Administrators in Los Altos. 6th graders learn to build a Spider robot. Khan Academy at Oakland Unity High School. About Oakland Unity. Khan Academy chats with teachers - Oct 11, 2012. Khan Academy at KIPP. About KIPP. Khan Academy at Summit Prep. About Summit Public Schools.
Overview of how to set up accounts for students under 13 and 13+, how to add a coach on Khan Academy, and how to separate students into class lists. For more information on getting started and technology needs, check out Creating Khan Academy accounts for users ages 13+. Creating Khan Academy accounts for users under age 13. Adding a coach and creating class lists on Khan Academy. How to delete a student or class list. How to add a coach on Khan Academy.
Khan Academy Vision. Sal Khan on Digital and Physical Learning. Khan Academy Vision. Sal Khan on Digital and Physical Learning.
Overview of the videos, exercises, reports, and Computer Science resources available on Khan Academy, with emphasis on how resources can be used in classrooms. For more information, check out For a mapping of Khan Academy content to Common Core standards, check out Khan Academy overview. Khan Academy reports overview. Khan Academy Exercise Overview. Khan Academy Computer Science in the classroom. Khan Academy overview. Khan Academy reports overview. Khan Academy Exercise Overview. Khan Academy Computer Science in the classroom.
Overview of how to set up accounts for students under 13 and 13+, how to add a coach on Khan Academy, and how to separate students into class lists. For more information on getting started and technology needs, check out Creating Khan Academy accounts for users ages 13+. Creating Khan Academy accounts for users under age 13. Adding a coach and creating class lists on Khan Academy. How to delete a student or class list. How to add a coach on Khan Academy. Creating Khan Academy accounts for users ages 13+. Creating Khan Academy accounts for users under age 13. Adding a coach and creating class lists on Khan Academy. How to delete a student or class list. How to add a coach on Khan Academy.
Overview of some of the ways to use Khan Academy. For more information, including worksheets to help plan the first day and month with Khan Academy, check out . Easiest Way. Station Rotation. Learning Lab. Interactive Classroom. Using class time. Easiest Way. Station Rotation. Learning Lab. Interactive Classroom. Using class time.
Watch fun, educational videos on all sorts of Materials, how they're created and what they can do. Flocculation: Making Clean Water.
Everything in the universe can be measured. Earth's Tilt 1: The Reason for the Seasons. Earth's Tilt 2: Land of the Midnight Sun. 2D Equilibrium -- Balancing Games.
This course is designed to examine an array of issues related to the globalization of higher education and research. The main objective of the course is to enable students to better understand how and why universities are engaged in the globalization process, as well as what the key implications of this development process are.
Analizar diferentes casos de estudio de usos educativos de las TIC y diseña un ambiente de aprendizaje que involucre herramientas digitales y tecnologías basadas en Internet.
Video games aren’t just fun, they can be powerful vehicles for learning as well. In this course, we discuss research on the kinds of thinking and learning that go into video games and gaming culture, benefits and drawbacks of digital gameplay, tensions between youth culture and traditional education, and new developments intended to bridge that growing divide.
The increasing use of the Web in schools is allowing teachers and students go beyond the boundaries of the physical classroom and engage in online collaborative learning. Collaborize Classroom is one such online collaborative platform that focuses on collaborative elements such as structured online discussions between students, online brainstorming, peer feedback and online surveys. It also assists the teacher in monitoring and encouraging students in terms of their participation. This free online course about Collaborize Classroom will take you through the features from setting up a discussion topic, using the feedback process through to the sharing of content and comments. You will also learn how to add various types of documents, including Microsoft Office documents, pictures, videos and PDFs. General Website management tasks are also explained, such as accessing the discussions to sharing properties and moderator roles. This course will be of great interest to teachers and trainers who want to augment and enhance classroom-based learning, and engage their students by using online collaborative learning methods and techniques.<br />
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