Online courses directory (548)
What do self-driving cars, face recognition, web search, industrial robots, missile guidance, and tumor detection have in common?
They are all complex real world problems being solved with applications of intelligence (AI).
This course will provide a broad understanding of the basic techniques for building intelligent computer systems and an understanding of how AI is applied to problems.
You will learn about the history of AI, intelligent agents, state-space problem representations, uninformed and heuristic search, game playing, logical agents, and constraint satisfaction problems.
Hands on experience will be gained by building a basic search agent. Adversarial search will be explored through the creation of a game and an introduction to machine learning includes work on linear regression.
The course covers the basics: representing games and strategies, the extensive form (which computer scientists call game trees), repeated and stochastic games, coalitional games, and Bayesian games (modeling things like auctions).
Part 2 of the UC Berkeley Agile Development Using Ruby on Rails XSeries Program will teach you to use JavaScript to enhance applications and create more sophisticated apps by adding relationships between models within the Ruby on Rails framework. You will also learn about what happens after the apps are deployed to real users, including how to monitor performance, identify and fix common performance problems, and avoid compromising customer data. Finally, learners will see how to apply Agile techniques to enhance and refactor legacy code and practice app deployment to real users to monitor performance, identify and fix common performance problems, and avoid compromising customer data.
Other topics covered in this software engineering course include:
- How to form, organize and manage small programming teams
- Introduction to design patterns: what they are and how to recognize opportunities to apply them
- Using Rails for more advanced features like third-party authentication and elegantly expressing design patterns that arise frequently in SaaS
There will be four homework assignments: two programming assignments, an open source assignment and one assignment about operations/deployment. There will also be several short quizzes. The videos and homework assignments used in this offering of the course were revised in October 2016.
This course provides a brisk, challenging, and dynamic treatment of differential and integral calculus, with an emphasis on conceptual understanding and applications to the engineering, physical, and social sciences.
Explore how we have hidden secret messages through history. What is Cryptography?. Probability Space. The Caesar Cipher. Polyalphabetic Cipher. The One-Time Pad. Frequency Stability. The Enigma Encryption Machine (case study). Perfect Secrecy. Pseudorandom Number Generators.
This course is designed to be a fun introduction to the basics of programming in Python. Our main focus will be on building simple interactive games such as Pong, Blackjack and Asteroids.
Find out how modern electronic markets work, why stock prices change in the ways they do, and how computation can help our understanding of them. Build algorithms and visualizations to inform investing practice.
Statistics One is a comprehensive yet friendly introduction to statistics.
In an introduction to the basics of the famous Customer Development Process, Steve Blank provides insight into the key steps needed to build a successful startup. The main idea in this course is learning how to rapidly develop and test ideas by gathering massive amounts of customer and marketplace feedback. Many startups fail by not validating their ideas early on with real-life customers. In order to mitigate that, students will learn how to get out of the building and search for the real pain points and unmet needs of customers. Only with these can the entrepreneur find a proper solution and establish a suitable business model. Building a startup is not simply building an execution plan for a business model that the entrepreneur thinks will work, but rather, a search for the actual business model itself.
This course covers the essential information that every serious programmer needs to know about algorithms and data structures, with emphasis on applications and scientific performance analysis of Java implementations. Part I covers basic iterable data types, sorting, and searching algorithms.
Learn about the most effective machine learning techniques, and gain practice implementing them and getting them to work for yourself.
This course covers the essential information that every serious programmer needs to know about algorithms and data structures, with emphasis on applications and scientific performance analysis of Java implementations.
Learn the concepts and methods of linear algebra, and how to use them to think about computational problems arising in computer science. Coursework includes building on the concepts to write small programs and run them on real data.
Learn how to program all the major systems of a robotic car from the leader of Google and Stanford's autonomous driving teams. This class will teach you basic methods in Artificial Intelligence, including: probabilistic inference, planning and search, localization, tracking and control, all with a focus on robotics. Extensive programming examples and assignments will apply these methods in the context of building self-driving cars. This course is offered as part of the Georgia Tech Masters in Computer Science. The updated course includes a final project, where you must chase a runaway robot that is trying to escape!
In this course you will learn several fundamental principles of algorithm design: divide-and-conquer methods, graph algorithms, practical data structures (heaps, hash tables, search trees), randomized algorithms, and more.
Learn about traditional and mobile malware, the security threats they represent, state-of-the-art analysis and detection techniques, and the underground ecosystem that drives such a profitable but illegal business.
Learn about the inner workings of cryptographic primitives and how to apply this knowledge in real-world applications!
Statistics is about extracting meaning from data. In this class, we will introduce techniques for visualizing relationships in data and systematic techniques for understanding the relationships using mathematics.
Study physics abroad in Europe -- virtually! Learn the basics of physics on location in Italy, the Netherlands and the UK, by answering some of the discipline's major questions from over the last 2000 years.
Helping you build human-centered design skills, so that you have the principles and methods to create excellent interfaces with any technology.
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