Courses tagged with "Introduction to Microeconomics" (3)
In the last half of the 20th century, the role of computation in the sciences grew rapidly, driven by advances in silicon-based processors, fiber-optic networks, a host of numerical algorithms, and sets of standard protocols for processing and exchanging data. Much of this digital technology now permeates everyday life. Building on these and emerging technologies, the 21st century is poised to unleash a new, data-intensive paradigm of scientific discovery that will dramatically enhance the scope and scale of data capture, curation, and analysis. In this new (4th) paradigm, cures for cancer might be found by the collective investigations of agents computing "in the cloud.
This Work, SI 615 - Seminar on Digital Libraries, by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. This is a special topics seminar focusing on the current state of
This course focuses on the current state of "digital libraries" from a multidisciplinary perspective. Its point of departure is the possibilities and prospects for convergence of professions and cultures around the notion of digital media and content. The course covers the history of the idea of the digital library and the digital archive, especially its manifestation as projects and programs in academic, nonprofit, and research settings, and the suite of policy issues that influence the development and growth of digital libraries and archives. A foundation of core archival principles as applied in digital library and archives settings serves as an intellectual construct supporting the exploration of the related concepts of scholarly communication, digital preservation, cyberinfrastructure, representation, and standards/best practices. Students are expected to master a diverse literature, to participate actively in the discussion of issues, and to take steps, collectively and individually, to advance our understanding of future directions of digital libraries and archives. Course Level: Graduate This Work, SI 640 - Digital Libraries and Archives, by Paul Conway is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.
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