Courses tagged with "Literature" (3)
HLS1x Copyright will explore the current law of copyright and the ongoing debates concerning how the law should be reformed.
Explores related and sometimes competing legal and policy frameworks for the development and dissemination of ideas and expression in the Information Age. The ways in which principles of free speech and expression compare and contrast with intellectual property rights are explored in relation to the advancement of knowledge and innovation, with particular focus on the impact of the Internet and new technology. The impact of other legal considerations and values on the development and dissemination of ideas and information (such as security, privacy, local control vs. national and international considerations, competition, and the protection of minors) are also examined. The course draws upon the contexts of education, business, and government. Course Level: Graduate This Work, PubPol 688/SI 519 - Intellectual Property and Information Law, by Bryce Pilz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.
This course introduces students to the conceptual, institutional, and practical foundations of information policy analysis and design. The course explores the regulatory histories, paradigms, processes, and actors shaping the ongoing development of the information field. Course topics provide a comprehensive grounding in telecommunications policy; competition and antitrust; concentration, diversity and expression; intellectual property; standards and innovation; peer production and user innovation; information privacy; digital governance; and transnational information policy. The course also emphasizes the development of core information policy skills, introducing students to relevant analytic contributions from the fields of economics, communication, law, and public policy. Course Level: Graduate This Work, SI 507 / 703 - Information Policy Analysis and Design, by Steven J. Jackson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.
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