Online courses directory (841)
For the past decade, Project Management has consistently been one to Top five 5, high-paying skills in demand for employment and for business. The Project Management Institute PMI is the world’s most recognized body for providing the framework for a Project Management Body of Knowledge. This course covers all the essential concepts from the Project Management Institute PMIs A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge PMBOK Guide, Fourth and Fifth Editions. In this course, students will become Project Manager while engaging in a hands-on exercise of developing their own personal or business project. Students will learn the art-and-science of the high-paying Project Management field. Upon successful completion, students are prepared to work on projects. Students learn from beginner-thru-advanced level Project Management concepts, including projects versus operations, choosing a team, scheduling, budgeting, controlling cost, measuring and controlling project performance, and much more. Additionally, students who are preparing for the PMI Certification PMP or CAPM can use this course to help fulfill the training requirement. If you already have your PMP certification, you can also use this toward your CCRs Continuing Certification Requirements. It will count as 20 hours of Project Planning and 15 hours of Project Controlling. Applicable Job Roles: project manager, program manager, manager, supervisor, team lead
This course provides an introduction to the concepts, techniques, and principles of project management. Primary emphasis will be on learning the project management process outlined in the Project Management Institute's PMBOK Guide (Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide). Agile, extreme, and other variations of project management will be discussed and their key features related to the PMBOK Guide.
Three things are clear about today’s music industry: The consumption of music is expanding at the greatest rate in history and from the most portals ever imagined, the cost of producing music is decreasing, and the number of artists creating and seeking to expose their work and develop careers through the Internet has increased dramatically. As demand grows and Internet piracy wanes, ad-supported and subscription models will generate unprecedented revenues that will surpass even the best of past earnings. And, many astute “music industry-watchers” predict a steep rise in business activity and trade earnings by the end of the decade.
Whether you’re a music creator, consumer, or facilitator of this process, you’ll want to understand the history, underpinnings, and basics of the music business. This course has been developed to provide students with the latest instruction on the best way for creators, consumers, and facilitators to navigate the resurgence of one of the world’s most exciting industries: the music business. Course author John Kellogg—administrator, educator, entertainment lawyer, performer, and radio and television personality—offers students the opportunity to learn the fundamental principles of the developing new music business, for now and into the future.
수업에 관하여
많은 사람들이 훌륭한 아이디어와 기술을 가지고 있습니다. 하지만 "당신의 고객은 누구입니까?"라는 단순하지만 피해갈 수 없는 질문 하나로 갈피를 못 잡고 무너지곤 합니다.
MIT공대는 수년간 이 질문을 기업가 학생들에게 던지면서 아주 성공적인 결과를 이루어냈습니다. MIT동문들이 세운 2만5천6백개의 기업들은 2조 달러 규모의 수익을 창출해냈으며 330만여개의 일자리를 만들어냈습니다. MIT가 국가였다면 세계에서 11번째로 큰 경제강국이 됐을 것입니다.
여러분도 이 MIT 국가의 국민이 되어보세요. 여러분의 스타트업 여정을 MIT와 함께하시면서 성공의 핵심이 될 고객에 대해서 발견하는 시간을 가져보세요.
이 강의는 기업가정신에 대한 수업으로 딱딱한 대학강의와는 거리가 멉니다. 매 수업시간마다 모바일 애플리케이션, 3D 프린팅, 전기전자, 국제개발, 손목시계 개발 등 다양한 분야의 MIT 출신 기업가들에 대한 심층적이고 전문적인 사례연구가 준비되어 있습니다.
이러한 사례연구를 통해 여러분의 아이디어나 기술이 제품 단계로 넘어갔을 때 누가, 또 왜, 제품 구매의향을 가지게 되는지에 대한 공부를 할 것입니다. 과제물은 실제상황에 기반한 예제로 구성되어 있습니다. 구체적이고 실용적이며 효율적인 과정단계를 통해 예제를 풀면서, 이를 여러분 아이디어의 실체를 찾는 데 적용한다면 큰 도움이 될 것입니다.
그럼 즐거운 수업 되시길 바랍니다!
이 수업의 Verified certificate를 받은 학생들은 다른 여러가지 특전과 더불어 일년 동안 5백달러 어치의 AWS 프로모션 크레딧을 사용할 수 있는 AWS Activate 회원 자격이 주어집니다.
Financial decisions and financial management are drivers of business performance and success. Financial data plays a vital role in business strategy, planning, and positioning. Learn the basics of financial statements, the conceptual framework of financial information and its relationship to firms’ strategic positioning and strategy execution.
By completing this course, you will learn how to assess and use financial information to make informed business decisions.
What you'll learn
· - How to think with a financial mindset
· - How to use financial knowledge when making business decisions
· - The basics of financial systems architecture
· - How financial data plays a role in strategic execution and positioning
· - 用财务语言解构企业的价值创造过程
· - 帮助学习者理解影响价值创造的各种因素
· - 培养将其应用于商业决策的能力
Financial decisions and financial management are drivers of business performance and success. Financial data plays a vital role in business strategy, planning, and positioning. Learn the basics of financial statements, the conceptual framework of financial information and its relationship to firms’ strategic positioning and strategy execution.
By completing this course, you will learn how to assess and use financial information to make informed business decisions.
In today’s world, politics and economics are inextricably interconnected, but what is the nature of this connectivity? What are the power relationships that shape the world economy today and create new challenges for international institutions facing globalization? What makes some countries wealthier than others? Do we face cultural diversity or fragmentation? Does the type of governance effect economic development and social change or is it the other way around? How do we measure it and how trustworthy is the data? These issues and many more will be examined in this course along with up-to-date sources and biting criticism.
This course provides a quantitative and model-based introduction to basic economic principles, and teaches how to apply them to make sense of a wide range of real world problems. Examples of applications include predicting the impact of technological changes in market prices, calculating the optimal gasoline tax, and measuring the value of new products. This is a real Caltech class. It will be taught concurrently to Caltech and on-line students. This has two implications. On the costs side: the class is challenging, makes extensive use of calculus, and will demand significant effort. On the benefit side: successful completion of the class will provide you with an in-depth understanding of basic economics, and will permanently change the way you see the world.
The course invites you to examine the interconnectedness of modern life through an exploration of fundamental questions about how our social, economic, and technological worlds are connected. Students will explore game theory, the structure of the Internet, social contagion, the spread of social power and popularity, and information cascades.
This MOOC is based on an interdisciplinary Cornell University course entitled Networks, taught by professors David Easley, Jon Kleinberg, and Éva Tardos. That course was also the basis for the book, Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World. This course is designed at the introductory undergraduate level without formal prerequisites.
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