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Starts : 2015-01-01
109 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Life Sciences English BabsonX Brain stem Nutrition Sap fico online training

A whirlwind introduction to evolution and genetics, from basic principles to current applications, including how disease genes are mapped, areas or research in evolutionary genetics, and how we leverage evolutionary concepts to aid humanity.

Starts : 2015-03-16
No votes
Coursera Free Life Sciences English BabsonX Brain stem Curriculum Nutrition Udemy

Behavioral genetic methodologies from twin and adoption studies through DNA analysis will be described and applied to address longstanding questions about the origins of individual differences in behavioral traits.

Starts : 2005-02-01
14 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information environments Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

This course explores the organization of synaptic connectivity as the basis of neural computation and learning. Perceptrons and dynamical theories of recurrent networks including amplifiers, attractors, and hybrid computation are covered. Additional topics include backpropagation and Hebbian learning, as well as models of perception, motor control, memory, and neural development.

Starts : 2003-01-01
17 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

This subject will be an intensive introduction to neuroanatomy, involving lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on laboratories, including a brain dissection. The course will not assume any prior knowledge of neuroanatomy, though some general knowledge of brain structures will be helpful.

Starts : 2007-09-01
7 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

This course is an introduction to the mammalian nervous system, with emphasis on the structure and function of the human brain. Topics include the function of nerve cells, sensory systems, control of movement, learning and memory, and diseases of the brain.

Starts : 2004-09-01
15 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

This course surveys questions about human behavior and mental life ranging from how you see to why you fall in love. The great controversies: nature and nurture, free will, consciousness, human differences, self and society. Students are exposed to the range of theoretical perspectives including biological, evolutionary, cognitive, and psychoanalytic. One of the best aspects of Psychology is that you are the subject matter. This makes it possible to do many demonstrations in lecture that allow you to experience the topic under study. Lectures work in tandem with the textbook. The course breaks into small recitations sections to allow discussion, oral presentations, and individual contact with instructors.

9 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

This course is a survey of the scientific study of human nature, including how the mind works, and how the brain supports the mind. Topics include the mental and neural bases of perception, emotion, learning, memory, cognition, child development, personality, psychopathology, and social interaction. Students will consider how such knowledge relates to debates about nature and nurture, free will, consciousness, human differences, self, and society.

Course Format

Click to get started. This course has been designed for independent study. It includes all of the materials you will need to understand the concepts covered in this subject. The materials in this course include:

  • A full set of Lecture Videos by Prof. John Gabrieli.
  • Reading Assignments in several books, including one free online textbook and detailed notes on another book.
  • Assorted multiple choice and short answer questions to Check Yourself on the material in each session.
  • Supporting Discussion content that elaborates on the lectures and reading.
  • A rich collection of online resources for Further Study on each session's topics.
  • A full set of Exams with solution keys, and extra practice questions for review.

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Other OCW Versions

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Starts : 2017-09-06
177 votes
edX Free Closed [?] Life Sciences English product differentiation and variety Business Diencephalon Information policy Nutrition

This first-year University chemistry course explores the basic principles of the chemical bond by studying the properties of solids. Properties such as stiffness, electrical conductivity, thermal expansion, strength, and optical properties are the vehicle by which you can learn a great deal of practical chemistry. 

You will see how experts use their knowledge of trends in the periodic table to predict the properties of materials. 3.091x is an engineering course so there is an emphasis on applications and how materials are used. The on-campus version of the course has been taught for over forty years and is one of the largest classes at MIT.

This course will cover the relationship between electronic structure, chemical bonding, and atomic order, and characterization of atomic arrangements in crystalline and amorphous solids: metals, ceramics, semiconductors, and polymers (including proteins). There will be topical coverage of organic chemistry, solution chemistry, acid-base equilibria, electrochemistry, biochemistry, chemical kinetics, diffusion, and phase diagrams. Examples will be drawn from industrial practice (including the environmental impact of chemical processes), from energy generation and storage (e.g., batteries and fuel cells), and from emerging technologies (e.g., photonic and biomedical devices). 

11 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition Principles of Management

Introduction to Solid State Chemistry is a first-year single-semester college course on the principles of chemistry. This unique and popular course satisfies MIT's general chemistry degree requirement, with an emphasis on solid-state materials and their application to engineering systems.

Course Format

Click to get started.This course has been designed for independent study. It provides everything you will need to understand the concepts covered in the course. The materials include:

  • A complete set of Lecture Videos by Prof. Sadoway.
  • Detailed Course Notes for most video sessions, plus readings in several suggested textbooks.
  • Homework problems with solution keys, to further develop your understanding.
  • For Further Study collections of links to supplemental online content.
  • Self-Assessment pages containing quiz and exam problems to assess your mastery, and Help Session Videos in which teaching assistants take you step-by-step through exam problem solutions.

About OCW Scholar

OCW Scholar courses are designed specifically for OCW’s single largest audience: independent learners. These courses are substantially more complete than typical OCW courses, and include new custom-created content as well as materials repurposed from previously published courses. Learn more about OCW Scholar.

Starts : 2014-09-02
117 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Life Sciences English BabsonX Brain stem Nutrition

An introduction to current concepts of how cellular molecules come together to form systems, how these systems exhibit emergent properties, and how these properties are used to make cellular decisions.

18 votes
ALISON Free Life Sciences

The human cardiovascular system is made up of the heart, blood vessels and blood supply. These act as one system to supply vital oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to tissues and remove carbon dioxide and metabolic waste products. This system also plays a central role in stabilizing body temperature and pH levels, as well as maintaining homeostasis. In this free online cardiovascular anatomy and physiology course, the learner will explore the structure and functions of the cardiovascular system. The course explains the composition of blood and provides an overview of how blood is used for transport and energy mobilization. It also outlines how the blood responds to haemorrhage and is involved in maintaining the correct body temperature. The course then examines blood vessels, explaining the function and location of arteries, veins and capillaries. Finally, it covers the anatomy of the heart, describing the structure of the chambers of the heart, the cardiac valves and the heart walls. It also describes the pericardium, the NAVL and the fibrous skeleton of the heart. This free online cardiovascular anatomy and physiology course will be of great interest to professionals in the health care sector who would like a greater knowledge and understanding of the human cardiovascular system. Students of medicine and biology who would like to study the structure and function of the heart, blood vessels and blood supply, which make up this very important anatomical system, will also find this course of great help.<br />

17 votes
ALISON Free Life Sciences

The human body cannot generate energy itself and so must obtain it from external sources. Energy from the sun is captured by plants, which in turn are eaten by animals. We humans use these plants and animals as food sources but, in order to obtain the energy we require from them, our food must be broken down into smaller molecules that the body can process. This is accomplished by a complex series of organs known as the digestive system. This free online human physiology course provides a clear introduction to the human digestive system. In this course you will learn how energy is obtained from food and be introduced to the different food types and vitamins. The course looks at the stages involved in ingestion and swallowing, describing how the stomach is designed for food storage and the initial processing of food. How the small and large intestines are structured to facilitate the digestion and absorption of nutrients is also examined. The course also provides an overview of the elimination of the waste products of digestion from the body. It outlines the special roles played by the liver and pancreas in the secretion of digestive enzymes. The mechanisms used by the digestive system to protect the body from infection are covered. This includes looking at the tonsils and other lymphoid tissue in the small and large intestine and explaining how the mammary gland protects the breastfeeding baby from infection. This free online human physiology course will be of great interest to healthcare professionals who would like a greater understanding of the human digestive system and its importance in human physiology, and to students of biology, medicine and nursing who would like to gain a greater knowledge and understanding of the structure and function of the human digestive system. <br />

Starts : 2014-03-04
No votes
Stanford Online. OpenEdX Free Closed [?] Life Sciences IEEEx Parkinson's+disease Surface+integrals+and+Stokes'+theorem

Discover how to integrate nature’s value into decisions affecting the environment and human well-being.

87 votes
Coursera Free Engineering English BabsonX Brain stem How to Succeed Nutrition

Step into the world of Tissue Engineering, a rapidly expanding field of applied biology aiming to create artificial organs for transplantation, basic research, or drug development.

Starts : 2017-09-06
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Life Sciences English Brain stem Business How to Succeed Nutrition Overdenture Quality

Water is essential for life on Earth and of crucial importance for society. Water also plays a major role in affecting climate. Its natural cycle, from ocean to atmosphere by evaporation, then by precipitation back to land returning via rivers and aquifers to the oceans, has a decisive impact on regional and global climate patterns.

For students of engineering, climate science and environmental studies, this course offers a first introduction to the physics of water systems and their role in climate. In addition, we show you the state-of-the-art engineering interventions that can be applied to water systems. These can improve coastal safety and increase the availability of water supplies worldwide.

The course welcomes students from all over the globe, so we actively encourage discussion of water and climate issues you may experience in your location, now and in the coming decades.

After taking this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the different processes at play in the global water cycle.
  • Identify and describe the flows of water and sand in different riverine, coastal and ocean systems.
  • Identify mechanisms of climate change and explain the interplay between climate change, sea level, clouds, rainfall and future weather.
  • Explain why, when and which engineering interventions are needed in rivers, coastal and urban environments.
  • Explain why water for food and water for cities are the main challenges in water management and propose solutions.
  • Explain and confront the challenges in better understanding and adapting to the impact of climate change on water over the coming 50 years.

The course consists of knowledge clips, movies, exercises, and exam assignments. There are opportunities to discuss course materials with your fellow students and the Course Team through our online forum. We also provide interactive feedback video sessions in which the lecturers discuss issues raised by students.

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) has a unique reputation when it comes to water and climate, with faculty experts in the fields of climate research, water management and hydraulic engineering. The course introduces you to many aspects of water and climate: from the micro scale of raindrops to the macro scale of oceans, and from understanding the physics of the different water systems to practical engineering solutions that may help societies adapt to the present and future impacts of climate change on water.

Together with the courses "Drinking water treatment" and "Urban Sewage Treatment" this course forms the Water XSeries, from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at TU Delft.

The course materials of this course are Copyright Delft University of Technology and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA) 4.0 International License.

Starts : 2015-01-05
126 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Health and Welfare English BabsonX Brain stem Multiplying+and+factoring+expressions Nutrition

In this course, students learn to recognize and to apply the basic concepts that govern integrated body function (as an intact organism) in the body's nine organ systems.

Starts : 2003-02-01
7 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

This course is an investigation to distinguish episodic memory, which is memory of personal events, from semantic memory, which is general knowledge independent of time and place.

Starts : 2014-04-14
No votes
FutureLearn Free Closed [?] Life Sciences College+Writing Diencephalon Nutrition Security+regulations

Use your kitchen as a laboratory to learn about chemistry using everyday chemicals.

Starts : 2009-09-01
9 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

9.63 teaches principles of experimental methods in human perception and cognition, including design and statistical analysis. The course combines lectures and hands-on experimental exercises and requires an independent experimental project. Some experience in programming is desirable. To foster improved writing and presentation skills in conducting and critiquing research in cognitive science, students are required to provide reports and give oral presentations of three team experiments. A fourth individually conducted experiment includes a proposal with revision, and concluding written and oral reports.

Starts : 2001-09-01
12 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Life Sciences Infor Information control Information Theory Interest and debt Nutrition

Covers the major results in the study of first language acquisition concentrating on the development of linguistic structure, including sentence structure and morphology. Universal aspects of development are discussed, as well as a variety of cross-linguistic phenomena. Theories of language learning are considered, including parameter-setting and maturation.

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