Online courses directory (212)
This course is designed to guide science educators towards an understanding of the Framework for K-12 Science Education and how, when integrated with the Scientific and Engineering Design Practices and Crosscutting Concepts are the basis for classroom instruction using the Next Generation Science Standards.
Video games aren’t just fun, they can be powerful vehicles for learning as well. In this course, we discuss research on the kinds of thinking and learning that go into video games and gaming culture, benefits and drawbacks of digital gameplay, tensions between youth culture and traditional education, and new developments intended to bridge that growing divide.
This course, also known as BlendKit2017, guides faculty and instructional designers in designing and developing blended learning experiences via consideration of key issues related to blended learning and practical step-by-step guidance in producing actual materials for a blended course.
Do you have a dream for an online course you have been meaning to develop? If you can dream it, you can build it! The goal of this course is help you look at the course design process from a different perspective using a backwards design approach to address your specific disciplinary needs. This 8-week course is designed for instructors, graduate students, and instructional designers regardless of their level of online teaching experience. Students will be guided through a practical process of designing online instruction or redesigning current instruction. You will design the structure of an online course, build active and engaging teaching and learning activities, and learn strategies for developing online community. The content of this course will include learning how to write measurable objectives, designing teaching and learning activities, and facilitating online community and evaluating your online course.
Ready to explore web-based tools to ignite student engagement in your K-12 classroom? This course examines various web tools and teaches the basics for integrating them into the classroom. Each week we will explore different instructional methods and utilize emerging technology tools to develop presentations, posters, binders, stories, and scavenger hunts. We will investigate the uses and good practices for both teacher-led and student-driven activities through the use of free web-based tools like Prezi, Animoto, Glogster, and many more.
Are you an educator? Double your impact by taking advantage of both the classroom and online environments. Explore methods to effectively combine the two formats and build a class community that engages students and supports active learning in any subject area. For educators both new and experienced. To receive a certificate of completion from the instructor the students must complete one of two options for the final project.
Ready to explore Web-based tools to ignite student engagement in your K-12 classroom? This course examines various Web tools, reasons for using these tools in the classroom, and encourages you to experiment with the tools. Each week we will explore different instructional methods and utilize emerging technology to develop presentations, posters, organization tools, stories, and scavenger hunts. We will investigate uses and good practices for both teacher-led and student-driven activities through the use of free Web-based tools like Prezi, Wordle, Padlet, Voki, and more!
Students want to know their instructor. This challenges online faculty to integrate technologies, such as avatars, video, and social media, to introduce their digital personalities and enhance learners’ experiences. This is called “humanizing,” which, according to DuCharme-Hansen, Dupin-Bryant, 2005 “reduces the psychological distance between the students and the instructor.” As online learning initiatives continue to expand, so does the need to leverage new learning technology to ensure students feel connected and engaged with the instructor and the course material. Course Objectives: Learn how to integrate educational technology tools into an online course with an emphasis on technology that can create an instructor presence or increase personal interaction. Share insights and suggestions about how to “humanize” online courses by maximizing the use of flexible educational technology tools. Demonstrate how technology-facilitated interactions can make instructors and learners more "real" online and how this correlates with student learning and retention. DuCharme-Hanson, R. and Dupin-Bryant, P. (2005). Course Planning for Online Adult Learners. Tech Trends March/April 49 (2), 31-39.
The Cloud Institute’s Education for Sustainability (EfS) online course is designed to increase participants’ awareness, knowledge, and understanding of the core concepts, content, and habits of mind that characterize Sustainability and Education for Sustainability (EfS). This online learning community has been designed to provide a foundation in EfS, and the six-week course engages participants in activities that combine systems thinking, sustainable economics, and the science of sustainability, and is open to anyone interested in gaining awareness and new ways of thinking about prosperity, responsible citizenship, and the restoration of our living systems. Course content will be delivered via video, podcasts and handouts – and we will host 3 live chats with Jaimie Cloud. We have optional recommended resources in the form of access to our online portal Cloud Commons. The fee is $39 for a six week subscription to the EfS Content Library of Cloud Institute units and lessons, templates, assessment protocols, enduring understandings, and workshop materials.
How do you transfer a face-to-face course to online without turning it into a correspondence course? Participants will explore online teaching in the very environment that their future students will be experiencing. Participants will understand online learning processes, how to promote interactive work and critical thinking, re-design learning activities, effectively manage the online classroom, and assess the online student
This short course will provide an introductory, hands-on introduction to statistics used in educational research and evaluation. Participants will learn statistical concepts, principles, and procedures by building Excel spreadsheets from scratch in a guided learning approach using very short video-based tutorials.
This course will provide a generally non-technical introduction to learning analytics and how they are being deployed in various contexts in the education field. Additionally, the tools and methods, ethics and privacy, and systemic impact of analytics will be explored, presenting a broad overview of the current state and possible future directions of the field. Capturing and analyzing data has changed how decisions are made and resources are allocated in the fields of business, journalism, government, military, and intelligence. Through better use of data, leaders are able to plan and enact strategies with greater clarity and confidence. Data is a value point that drives increased organizational efficiency and a competitive advantage. Analytics provide new insight and actionable intelligence. Companies such as Microsoft, IBM, Google, and Amazon are investing heavily in technologies and techniques to help individuals and organizations make sense of and unlock the value within big data. In education, the use of data and analytics to improve learning is referred to as learning analytics. Software companies, researchers, educators, and university leaders are starting to recognize the value of data in improving not only teaching and learning, but the entire education industry. The growth of online learning and open online courses generates new sources of data for researchers and educators to better understand the learning experience.
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