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Certification exams or college credits for Ongoing courses from Udemy

Show all courses from Udemy with certification exams (not only Ongoing)

The list contains some courses from Udemy and relevant exams from Certification Exams directory for a course. Exams can be used to get certification or college credits after a course or a MOOC completed. Find all courses from Udemy or see the list of only Ongoing courses from Udemy with certification exams.

NOTE. The list of exams for every course was prepared by users of this web site. Courses providers and Certification providers did not cooperate with the site when preparing this. Connection of courses and exams is not approved by course and exams providers. Please, use the list on your own risk. If you need expert help writing a paper and you want someone to write essays for you - please contact writing services.


There was a time when learning was what we did from birth to college graduation. After that? We just worked and eventually retired. But the world is changing rapidly. And now, more than ever, learning is something that happens outside the classroom throughout our entire lives. We now have to learn new skills every year just to stay relevant in our jobs (not to mention making a career change!). And it's not just our careers, we also want to learn and continually improve in the things we do outside of work. Whether it's yoga or golf or photography or anything we're passionate about, we want to be better. Every day we see our friends sharing their new achievements and posting their milestones on Facebook; how do we keep up and reach our potential? We're busier than ever. And despite having access to a mountain of information via the internet, we still struggle to find structured, comprehensive, trusted sources who can excite us and teach us all the things we want to know. We need trusted experts, guides, to help us on our way - we need the ability to learn from the amazing instructors in the world.