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Certification exams or college credits for Ongoing courses from ALISON

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The list contains some courses from ALISON and relevant exams from Certification Exams directory for a course. Exams can be used to get certification or college credits after a course or a MOOC completed. Find all courses from ALISON or see the list of only Ongoing courses from ALISON with certification exams.

NOTE. The list of exams for every course was prepared by users of this web site. Courses providers and Certification providers did not cooperate with the site when preparing this. Connection of courses and exams is not approved by course and exams providers. Please, use the list on your own risk. If you need expert help writing a paper and you want someone to write essays for you - please contact writing services.


ALISON is the global leader in free online certified skills training for the workplace with 6 million registered learners, 750,000 graduates worldwide and a further 250,000 signing up each month to learn for free on the platform.

ALISON offers 750+ free online courses at diploma and certificate level covering a wide range of subjects including Business, Languages, Computer Skills, Information Technology, Psychology, Healthcare, Self-development and many more . The company adds new course offerings on a weekly basis driven by demand from learners, and employers seeking time and cost efficient ways of upskilling their workforce.