Software Testing - Condition Coverage and Mutation Testing Strategies
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In this free online course Software Testing - Condition Coverage and Mutation Testing Strategies you will learn about different advanced strategies for testing software. You will learn about coverage based techniques such as Multiple condition coverage (MCC), about Dataflow testing and creating control flow graphs. You will also learn about introducing faults into your program for mutation testing.<br /><br />The course begins by introducing you to coverage based testing and different types of coverage based testing. You will learn about the basic condition coverage testing to multiple condition coverage testing. You will learn about which is the strongest and weakest coverage based techniques. You will learn about the Modified condition and decision coverage testing (MC/DC testing).<br /><br />Next, you will be introduced to path testing and creating a control flow graph for your path testing. You will learn about using Dataflow testing to test your variable in a program. You will learn about introducing faults into your program for mutation testing. You will learn about how mutation testing works, its drawbacks and terminology. Finally, you will be introduced to integration testing, what it is and different approaches to integration testing.<br /><br />This course will be of great interest to any programmer who wishes to learn about advanced testing programs to test software programs they have written. <br /><br />Prerequisites: Learner will need to have completed previous two courses: ‘Introduction to Software Testing’ and ‘Software Testing – Black-Box Strategies and White-Box testing’. Categories:
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