Places for Individual or Group study of MOOCs or Online Courses
Many Students of online courses and MOOCs don't like to study at home. We created this listing to help them to find where to study in more comfortable learning environment and communicate with other students of same courses in their area. You can suggest a place in your area.
MOOC Campus |
Country: US
State/Province: NC
City: Black Mountain
Address: 84 Blue Ridge Circle
Post code: 28711
What is MOOC Campus? It's college, but way better. We've nixed the hefty tuition fees, and you get to learn what you want to, when you want to. We provide a campus location for students studying online. Buckminster Fuller, largely considered one of the most brilliant thinkers of his time, produced a prophetic book in 1962 called Education Automation. It anticipated the need to rethink learning in light of a dawning revolution in informational technology, which he referred to as an "upcoming major world industry." Fifty-one years after Fuller"s daring prediction, open-sourced content is changing everything in the world of education. All traditional models must face the reality that content and facts are now free and easily accessible. Would-be students should start questioning the exorbitant fees and overhead expenses associated with famous colleges. What are students actually paying for? Is it worth it? Is there a better way? Details:
Do you know any good place to study MOOCs and online courses in your area? It can be a cafe, a public library, a co-working office or a new type of a service create specially for online students. Let us know about this place and we will add to the listing.
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