Operating Systems - Introduction to Scheduling
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In the free online course Operating Systems - Introduction to Scheduling you will learn about scheduling processes in an operating system. The course also reviews methods for scheduling with a single processer, multi-processers, and scheduling in a Linux operating system.<br /><br />The course begins by introducing you to process scheduling. You will learn about the two types or classifications for processes: first come first serve scheduling and its advantages and disadvantages, and other scheduling techniques such as Shortest job first and Round Robin scheduling and what they involve. You will learn about priority based scheduling and about setting priorities for your processes, and techniques for multi-processer scheduling and how they work.<br /><br />Next, you will be introduced to scheduling in a Linux operating system. You will learn how Linux classifies processes into real time and normal processes, about the different schedulers Linux has used in their systems and how they work. The course also covers Completely fair scheduling (CFS), the main scheduler used in Linux currently, and how the CFS selects processes for running.<br /><br />This free Alison course will be of great interest to computer science students and computer engineers, and anyone who wants to learn about scheduling in computer operating systems<br /><br />Perquisites: The learner will need to have completed the previous courses: Introduction to Operating Systems, Introduction to Memory Management, Introduction to Operating Systems Processes and Introduction to Operating Systems Interrupts. Categories:
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