Online courses directory (841)

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Starts : 2005-02-01
10 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

15.763J focuses on decision making for system design, as it arises in manufacturing systems and supply chains. Students are exposed to frameworks and models for structuring the key issues and trade-offs. The class presents and discusses new opportunities, issues and concepts introduced by the internet and e-commerce. It also introduces various models, methods and software tools for logistics network design, capacity planning and flexibility, make-buy, and integration with product development. Industry applications and cases illustrate concepts and challenges. The class is recommended for anyone concentrating in Operations Management, and is a second half-term subject.

Starts : 2002-09-01
16 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Closed [?] Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

This course is an introduction to marketing: the study or practice of providing goods or services that satisfy human desires. To illustrate and discuss marketing concepts, we will read articles from scientific journals, chapters from marketing textbooks, newspaper clippings, and selections from popular literature. We will also use case studies to illustrate marketing principles and to apply marketing concepts to the real world. These case studies will involve a wide variety of products, including flowers, computer software, power tools, watches, and even contact lenses for chickens (seriously).

Starts : 2015-09-01
15 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

 This course helps students develop skills in marketing analysis and planning, and introduces key marketing ideas and phenomena, such as how to deliver benefits to customers and marketing analytics. It presents a framework for marketing analysis and enhances problem solving and decision-making abilities in these areas. Material relevant to understanding, managing, and integrating marketing concepts in managerial situations, from entrepreneurial ventures to large multinational firms, and to consulting are presented.

Starts : 2003-02-01
12 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

The course is aimed at helping students look at the entire marketing mix in light of the strategy of the firm. It is most helpful to students pursuing careers in which they need to look at the firm as a whole. Examples include consultants, investment analysts, entrepreneurs, and product managers.


  1. Identify, evaluate, and develop marketing strategies.
  2. Evaluate a firm’s opportunities.
  3. Anticipate competitive dynamics.
  4. Evaluate the sustainability of competitive advantages.

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Starts : 2015-07-05
No votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Business English BabsonX Biology Nutrition

Introduction to a “money view” of economic activity for modern times, building on the intellectual traditions of British central banking and American institutionalism. Part One explores the economics of payment systems and money markets. Part Two explores connections with foreign exchange and capital markets. NOTE: The first week of Part Two reviews Part One, so you can take Part Two even if you missed Part One.

Starts : 2015-01-26
31 votes
Coursera Free Business Spanish BabsonX Nutrition

A través de diferentes actividades de campo el participante vive personalmente el proceso emprendedor, aprendiendo los conceptos del curso principalmente con base en la experimentación.

Starts : 2014-11-13
No votes
Coursera Free Business French BabsonX Biology Book distribution Nutrition

A l'issue de ce MOOC, vous serez capables de comprendre ce qui justifie la valorisation d'une entreprise et vous pourrez en réaliser par vous même.

Starts : 2001-02-01
17 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

Negotiation and Conflict Management presents negotiation theory – strategies and styles – within an employment context. 15.667 meets only eleven times, with a different topic each week, which is why students should commit to attending all classes. In addition to the theory and exercises presented in class, students practice negotiating with role-playing simulations that cover a range of topics. Students also learn how to negotiate in difficult situations, which include abrasiveness, racism, sexism, whistle-blowing, and emergencies. The course covers conflict management as a first party and as a third party: third-party skills include helping others deal directly with their conflicts, mediation, investigation, arbitration, and helping the system change as a result of a dispute.

Learning and grading in 15.667 is based on: readings, simulations and class discussions, four self-assessments, your analysis of the negotiations of others, writing each week in your journal, and writing three Little Papers.

Starts : 2010-09-01
8 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

15.082J/6.855J/ESD.78J is a graduate subject in the theory and practice of network flows and its extensions. Network flow problems form a subclass of linear programming problems with applications to transportation, logistics, manufacturing, computer science, project management, and finance, as well as a number of other domains. This subject will survey some of the applications of network flows and focus on key special cases of network flow problems including the following: the shortest path problem, the maximum flow problem, the minimum cost flow problem, and the multi-commodity flow problem. We will also consider other extensions of network flow problems.

Starts : 2004-02-01
15 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of nonlinear optimization theory and methods. Topics include unconstrained and constrained optimization, linear and quadratic programming, Lagrange and conic duality theory, interior-point algorithms and theory, Lagrangian relaxation, generalized programming, and semi-definite programming. Algorithmic methods used in the class include steepest descent, Newton's method, conditional gradient and subgradient optimization, interior-point methods and penalty and barrier methods.

Starts : 2004-02-01
7 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Closed [?] Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of nonlinear optimization theory and methods. Topics include unconstrained and constrained optimization, linear and quadratic programming, Lagrange and conic duality theory, interior-point algorithms and theory, Lagrangian relaxation, generalized programming, and semi-definite programming. Algorithmic methods used in the class include steepest descent, Newton's method, conditional gradient and subgradient optimization, interior-point methods and penalty and barrier methods.

Starts : 2013-02-01
14 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

This course provides students with concepts, techniques and tools to design, analyze, and improve core operational capabilities, and apply them to a broad range of application domains and industries. It emphasizes the effect of uncertainty in decision-making, as well as the interplay between high-level financial objectives and operational capabilities. Topics covered include production control, risk pooling, quality management, process design, and revenue management. Also included are case studies, guest lectures, and simulation games which demonstrate central concepts.

Starts : 2013-10-28
No votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Business English BabsonX Biology Nutrition Web Design

This course provides an introduction to various classes of derivative securities and we will learn how to price them using "risk-neutral pricing". In the follow-up to this course (FE & RM Part II) we will consider portfolio optimization, risk management and more advanced examples of derivatives pricing including, for example, real options and energy derivatives.

Starts : 2014-01-26
No votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Business English BabsonX Biology Nutrition Web Design

This course follows on from FE & RM Part I. We will consider portfolio optimization, risk management and some advanced examples of derivatives pricing that draw from structured credit, real options and energy derivatives. We will also cast a critical eye on how financial models are used in practice.

Starts : 2014-10-20
1 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Business English BabsonX Biology Book distribution Nutrition

An overview of the ideas, methods, and institutions that permit human society to manage risks and foster enterprise.

Starts : 2002-02-01
11 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

Our objective in this course is to introduce you to concepts and techniques related to the design, planning, control, and improvement of manufacturing and service operations. The course begins with a holistic view of operations, where we stress the coordination of product development, process management, and supply chain management. As the course progresses, we will investigate various aspects of each of these three tiers of operations in detail. We will cover topics in the areas of process analysis, materials management, production scheduling, quality improvement, and product design.

To pursue the course objective most effectively, you will have to:

  1. Study the assigned reading materials.
  2. Prepare and discuss cases, readings, and exercises in class.
  3. Prepare written analyses of cases.

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Other OCW Versions

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