Online courses directory (841)
Major advances in technology have resulted in the widespread implementation of information systems into businesses and organizations. The management of processes and data are critical to the overall success of a business. <br /><br />ALISON's free online diploma course introduces you to business processes and their management. The course will explain business intelligence and knowledge management systems, systems analysis, systems design and systems implementation. It will also give you a basic knowledge and understanding of how to design, test and implement information systems for a business process. <br /><br />This business diploma course will be of great interest to business professionals, as well as any learner wanting to expand their knowledge and understanding of business process management.<br />
Providing excellent customer service is essential to the long-term viability of every business. ALISON's free online Diploma in Customer Service course introduces the fundamental elements of customer service and explains how they can be applied in any organization. Following this, it describes how a business can develop its customer service program to the highest level. <br /><br />ALISON's customer service certification course also details the role of customer service in the hospitality industry, the retail industry and the public sector. These sections explain the elements of customer service that should be focused on in these sectors. <br /><br />This free online Diploma course is ideal for business managers, business owners and entrepreneurs who wish to learn how to implement an effective customer service program in their organization. This course will also be of great interest to retail staff, hospitality workers and public servants who want to become more proficient at providing friendly and effective customer service.<br />
Building an effective online presence is critical for growing your business as it gives your company access to thousands or millions of local, national or international customers who are searching, interacting, sharing and shopping online. This free online Diploma course will help all business owners increase their knowledge and understanding of what online marketing involves and how to go about implementing a successful online marketing strategy. The Diploma will show you how to build an online marketing plan, promote your business online, and improve your Website landing page for greater customer conversion rates. This Diploma shows you in detail how to use Google tools such as Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Google AdSense and Google Webmaster to implement your online marketing strategy. You will learn how to set up a Google Analytics account, how to set up a Google AdWords account, how to write ads that attract customers, how to choose the right keywords, and budget for your online advertising. You will learn how to set up a Google AdSense account and how to set up a Google Webmaster account. This free Diploma course will be of great interest to all business owners who lack the knowledge and expertise to implement an online marketing strategy but who recognise the importance of having an effective online marketing plan for the continued success of their business.<br />
Corporate Finance Essentials will enable you to understand key financial issues related to companies, investors, and the interaction between them in the capital markets. By the end of this course you should be able to understand most of what you read in the financial press and use the essential financial vocabulary of companies and finance professionals.
Ce cours vous permettra d’identifier et d’évaluer des opportunités de création d’entreprises technologiques et d’en comprendre les principaux enjeux humains, techniques, commerciaux, environnementaux et financiers. Vous aurez ainsi des bases solides pour créer votre entreprise high tech ou décider d'en rejoindre une.
All modern economies need industries that are innovative in product design and efficient in manufacturing. In turn, these industries need people who are knowledgeable about the process. ALISON's free online manufacturing course will give you a detailed understanding of manufacturing and product design by covering topics such as what design is, how to use models in product design, bringing ideas from concept to prototype to production, using the product design specification, manufacturing processes such as casting, forming, cutting and joining, surface engineering and optical materials engineering. There are also a number of case studies to review. <br /><br />ALISON's online course is ideal for employees or professionals who want to learn more about product design and manufacturing processes, and for learners who would like a manufacturing or product design career.<br />
Be the change you want to see!
Im Changemaker MOOC lernst du, wie du aus einer Idee ein Projekt zur Lösung eines gesellschaftlichen Problems entwickelst. Wir zeigen dir, wie du unternehmerische Ansätze nutzen kannst, um gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen zu lösen, egal ob du ein Projekt in den Bereichen Gesellschaft, Umwelt, Bildung oder Kultur realisieren willst.
Schritt für Schritt zum eigenen Projekt
Der Kurs führt dich Schritt für Schritt zur Erstellung eines eigenen Projektkonzepts. Du lernst, aus der Schnittmenge deiner Stärken und eines konkreten gesellschaftlichen Bedarfs eine umsetzbare Projektidee zu entwickeln. Wir machen dich mit Konzepten, Strategien und Akteuren in den Bereichen Social Entrepreneurship und Social Business vertraut. Wir zeigen dir, wie du den genauen Bedarf deiner Zielgruppe ermittelst, wie du die Maßnahmen deines Projektes planst, die Kosten kalkulierst und eine realistische Zeitplanung erstellst. Du entwickelst Strategien, um dein Projekt zu finanzieren und wirkungsvoll zu kommunizieren.
Praxis statt Theorie
Zentrale Lerninhalte werden in Form kurzer Videos vermittelt. Sie erklären alles, was du brauchst, um aus deiner Idee ein umsetzbares Projektkonzept zu machen. Du lernst erfahrene Changemaker ebenso wie junge Changeprojekte kennen. Dabei verbindet jede Lektion die Vermittlung konzeptioneller Inhalte mit der Erstellung von Bausteinen deines Projektkonzepts. Am Ende des Kurses hast du ein klar strukturiertes Konzept für dein eigenes Changeprojekt.
Was lerne ich in diesem Kurs?
Am Ende des Kurses sind die TeilnehmerInnen in der Lage, ein eigenes Changeprojekt zu planen. Sie haben die Grundkonzepte von Social Entrepreneurship kennen gelernt. Sie wissen, wo sie im Internet weitere Lernressourcen für ihr Vorhaben finden.
Welche Vorkenntnisse benötige ich?
Für die Teilnahme an diesem Kurs ist kein Vorwissen erforderlich. Er richtet sich an alle Menschen, die lernen wollen, ein eigenes Changeprojekt zur Lösung einer gesellschaftlichen Herausforderung zu entwickeln. Jede/r kann teilnehmen!
Kapitel | Thema |
Kapitel 1 | Die Welt verändern |
Kapitel 2 | Vom Interesse zur Projektidee |
Kapitel 3 | Was ist Social Entrepreneurship? |
Kapitel 4 | Die Projektziele festlegen |
Kapitel 5 | Die Strategie optimieren |
Kapitel 6 | Die Projektstruktur planen |
Kapitel 7 | Die Umsetzung des Projekts planen |
Kapitel 8 | Das Projekt finanzieren |
Kapitel 9 | Das Projekt bekannt machen |
Kapitel 10 | Das Projekt präsentieren |
Dieser Kurs gibt einen Überblick über grundlegende Modelle, Theorien und Prinzipien der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Er basiert auf einer mehrfach ausgezeichneten äquivalenten Lehrveranstaltung an der RWTH Aachen und wurde bislang von über 10.000 Studierenden erfolgreich in Aachen absolviert. Der Kurs beginnt mit den Fragen, warum es Unternehmen gibt und was der Kern unternehmerischer Wertschöpfung ist. Anschließend wird analysiert, welche Alternativen und Theorien es zur Organisation von Unternehmen gibt. Ein Schwerpunkt auf die neue Institutionenökonomie erlaubt dabei einen Einblick in einen der Ansätze, der das moderne Management entscheidend geprägt hat. In den letzten beiden Teilen werden Prinzipien der operativen und der strategischen Planung sowie Wettbewerbsstrategien behandelt. Anhand ausgewählter Konzepte lernen die Teilnehmenden die wichtigsten Ansätze des strategischen Managements kennen.
Als besonderes Feature gibt es zu der Veranstaltung das BWL-MOOC Planspiel der Firma Simucate. Das Planspiel: Es bietet Ihnen eine interaktive Möglichkeit, die Studieninhalte gleich praktisch anzuwenden und so besser zu verstehen. Das Planspiel ist in allen Klausurpaketen enthalten. Zusätzlich kann es während des Kurses für 19 Euro hinzu gebucht werden. Sollten Sie sich dazu entscheiden, den ECTS-Track zu belegen ist das Planspiel für Sie bereits inklusive. Die Ergebnisse des Planspiels fließen dann zu 20% in die Endnote der Veranstaltung mit ein.
Was lerne ich in diesem Kurs?
- Du kennst grundlegende Denkweisen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre.
- Du kannst wesentliche Fachbegriffe ebenso wie grundlegende Konzepte auf aktuelle Fragestellungen übertragen.
- Du kannst einen Bezug zwischen den theoretisch vermittelten Kursinhalten und der unternehmerischen Praxis herstellen.
- Du bekommst eine kritisch-reflektierte Herangehensweise an wirtschaftliche Fragestellungen.
- Du bekommst einen Rahmen für weitere vertiefende Vorlesungen im Bereich BWL.
Welche Vorkenntnisse benötige ich?
Die Teilnahme ist ohne spezielle Vorkenntnisse möglich. Mathematik auf mind. Oberstufenniveau ist für Modul 5 erforderlich.
Dieser Kurs besteht aus 7 Modulen von jeweils 2 Wochen:
Modul 1: Grundzüge und Funktionen der Unternehmung
Videos ab 02. Nov, interaktive Vorlesung in Aachen am 02. Nov 2015
Modul 2: Organisationstheorien: Der Weg zum Taylorismus und dessen Überwindung
Videos ab 16. Nov, interaktive Vorlesung in Aachen am 16. Nov 2015
Modul 3: Gestaltung der Organisationsstruktur
Videos ab 30. Nov, interaktive Vorlesung in Aachen am 30. Nov 2015
Modul 4: Neue Institutionenökonomik
Videos ab 14. Dez, interaktive Vorlesung in Aachen am 14. Dez 2015
Modul 5: Operative Planung
Videos ab 11. Jan, interaktive Vorlesung in Aachen am 11. Jan 2016
Modul 6: Strategische Planung & Wettbewerbsstrategie
Videos ab 25. Jan, interaktive Vorlesung in Aachen am 25. Jan 2015
This class surveys developmental entrepreneurship via case examples of both successful and failed businesses and generally grapples with deploying and diffusing products and services through entrepreneurial action. By drawing on live and historical cases, especially from South Asia, Africa, Latin America as well as Eastern Europe, China, and other developing regions, we seek to cover the broad spectrum of challenges and opportunities facing developmental entrepreneurs. Finally, we explore a range of established and emerging business models as well as new business opportunities enabled by developmental technologies developed in MIT labs and beyond.
The ability to negotiate effectively is an art form which many of us are not confident in doing. Formal negotiations are however, a vital part of communication across various sectors from business to politics. In this free online course, Stan Christensen, co-founder of Arbor Advisors, discusses the art of negotiation and the skills and techniques required to be persuasive in a positive manner. You will also learn why the skill of really listening is of vital importance when meeting goals at the negotiation table and he explains the lessons he learned during his time as a professional mediator. This free negotiating course will be of interest to all professionals in many varied sectors such as business, entrepreneurship, human resources and management who are looking for guidance on the art and practise of successful negotiation.<br />
William Sahlman is one of the world’s leading authorities on entrepreneurship. As a professor at Harvard Business School, his research focuses on investment and financing decisions made in entrepreneurial ventures at all stages of their development. In this free online course, Professor Sahlman explains why the best money comes from customers not venture capitalists. He describes the key elements of an entrepreneurial venture using the example of John Osher who developed the spin toothbrush. You will learn how to achieve the greatest value by changing the relationship of these elements to one another. He identifies important factors to improve entrepreneurial success. He focuses on what drives entrepreneurs, the importance of recognising opportunity and dealing with change. He discusses how your organisation depends on great people and what to look for when hiring. This course will be of great interest to business professionals and students looking for greater knowledge and understanding of the key elements of entrepreneurial success.<br />
This course on global integration brings together matters of global markets and institutions, global strategy, organization, and leadership. Global integration, the process by which an organization with units around the world becomes united, will be presented as a link to entrepreneurship and general management. The seminar is offered only to those enrolled in the MIT Sloan Fellows Program and challenges the participants to draw upon their past managerial experiences, especially those affiliated with multinational companies.
In the free online course, John Doerr talks about how to succeed as a venture capitalist. John is a legend in venture investing having played a key role in the emergence and development of some of Silicon Valley’s most successful companies. He is a partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, joining them in 1980, and has sponsored a series of investments including Compaq, Cypress, Intuit, Macromedia, Netscape, Lotus, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, S3, Sun Microsystems,, and Symantec. In this course he talks about what distinguishes successful companies from others. He views entrepreneurs as missionaries and gives valuable advice on assembling a great team of people. He discusses important new disruptive technologies and the impact of social entrepreneurship. He gives valuable career advice and predicts what the future of technology and venture capital will look like. You will learn what it takes to become a great venture capitalist and also how to treat negotiations when pursuing initial venture capital funding. This course will be of great interest to entrepreneurs and business professionals who would like to find out how venture capitalists work and what it takes to persuade them to financially back your company or business idea.<br />
Entrepreneurship and Healthcare in Emerging Economies aims to engage students in an inter-disciplinary approach to understanding the nature of complex health problems throughout the world, with an illustrative focus on South Asia. Students will become acquainted with prior attempts to address these problems, to identify points of opportunity for smart entrepreneurial efforts, and to propose and develop their own candidate solutions.
Throughout, the emphasis is on individual agency—what can the learner do to address a defined problem? While we use the lens of health to explore entrepreneurial opportunities, students will see that both problems and solutions are inevitably of a multi-disciplinary nature, and we will draw on a range of sectors and fields of study.
HarvardX requires individuals who enroll in its courses on edX to abide by the terms of the edX honor code : HarvardX will take appropriate corrective action in response to violations of the edX honor code, which may include dismissal from the HarvardX course; revocation of any certificates received for the HarvardX course; or other remedies as circumstances warrant. No refunds will be issued in the case of corrective action for such violations. Enrollees who are taking HarvardX courses as part of another program will also be governed by the academic policies of those programs.
HarvardX pursues the science of learning. By registering as an online learner in an HX course, you will also participate in research about learning. Read our research statement : to learn more.
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Vinod Khosla grew up dreaming of being an entrepreneur and in 2004, he formed Khosla Ventures which offers start-up assistance, strategic advice and financial backing to entrepreneurs. The firm helps entrepreneurs extend the potential of their ideas in both traditional areas like the Internet, computing, mobile, and silicon technology, and also supports clean technology areas such as bio-refineries for energy and bio-plastics, solar, battery and other environmentally friendly technologies. In this free online course he explains how his ambition in life from a young age was to be an entrepreneur but how he had to learn from failure early on in his career. He explains his business motto of why you should think big and act small. He talks about taking risks and why companies are more successful when they have a mission to change the world. You will learn what areas of investment interest and excite him and why he considers any big problem to be an opportunity. He discusses his views on technology driven entrepreneurship and why social entrepreneurship is so important. In terms of teamwork, he explains how to build strong teams and why great CEOs must build great teams. This course will be of great interest to entrepreneurs, business professionals and anyone who wants to learn from the experience and wisdom of a very successful business person.<br />
1.464 examines the long term effects of information technology on business strategy in the real estate and construction industry. Considerations include: supply chain, allocation of risk, impact on contract obligations and security, trends toward consolidation, and the convergence of information transparency and personal effectiveness. Resources are drawn from the world of entrepreneurship and "old economy" responses.
We live in a time of disruptive change, one that requires a new collective leadership capacity. In this groundbreaking course, we invite you on a journey to see the world in new ways and practice a method that allows leaders, entire organizations, and larger social systems to connect with and actualize their highest future possibility.
In January 2015, 30,000 people from 190 countries enrolled in U.Lab. In an exit survey, 52% said it was “eye-opening”, while another 36% called it “life-changing”. U.Lab has inspired the first-known use of a MOOC by a government as a platform for citizens to shape the issues that matter to them, it has been used in management teams of the world’s leading NGOs, and it is now being used in 42 Impact Hubs worldwide – by locally-rooted, globally connected communities of change makers to catalyze systemic change.
In the U.Lab you will learn Theory U, an approach to leading profound change that has been developed by action researchers at MIT, and practiced by leaders around the world, for over 20 years.
You will apply this method to a challenge, issue, or system that matters to you.
And you will have the opportunity to form self-organized Hubs and peer coaching circles with other U.Lab participants; in order to co-sense and co-shape the future that you feel is wanting to emerge in your work, and life, right now.
You will be joining a community that includes national government leaders from Scotland, founders and members of 42 Impact Hubs around the world, business leaders in the U.S, Brazil, and China, and many other inspired change makers from over 190 countries worldwide who are interested in creating more aware, inclusive, sustainable societies.
Digital commerce is an emerging area of business and career. According to the research firm Forrester, the sector will reach $370 billion in sales by 2017 and make up 10 percent of total retail sales in the U.S. This course will provide an introduction to the key concepts, business models, and current and future trends in digital commerce. You will also learn how you can start your online store using a leading digital commerce platform that has more than 70,000 stores worldwide–Shopify. Whether you're a student, entrepreneur, or just looking to enhance your knowledge about this emerging sector, this course is for you.
Great managers are made, not born. Learn about the qualities and skills of great managers in this Business 101 course. Instructor Sherri Hartzell holds both an MBA and Ed.D., so she's an excellent choice to teach you about principles of management.
Start by learning about the different levels of management in organizations and then dive into how good managers lead to great employees. Students of business, budding entrepreneurs and independent online learners alike can benefit from these short, engaging video lessons and interactive online quizzes. Business 101: Principles of Management can prepare you to earn real, widely transferable college credit by taking the Principles of Management CLEP exam or the Excelsior Principles of Management exam .
Great managers are made, not born. Learn about the qualities and skills of great managers in this Business 101 course. Instructor Sherri Hartzell holds both an MBA and Ed.D., so she's an excellent choice to teach you about principles of management.
Start by learning about the different levels of management in organizations and then dive into how good managers lead to great employees. Students of business, budding entrepreneurs and independent online learners alike can benefit from these short, engaging video lessons and interactive online quizzes. Business 101: Principles of Management can prepare you to earn real, widely transferable college credit by taking the Principles of Management CLEP exam or the Excelsior Principles of Management exam .
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