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Starts : 2017-02-13
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edX Free Closed [?] Business English Chemokines Flash+Objects Nutrition Udemy

Ce cours sera enseigné en français.
This course will be taught in French.

Quel lien existe-t-il entre l’exploitation des ressources naturelles (terre, eau, ressources minières, forêts, ...) et le développement durable ? Ce cours vous permettra de comprendre les opportunités mais aussi les défis que la présence de ressources naturelles offre, tant au niveau local que global. En analysant les effets socio-économiques et écologiques de la ruée actuelle vers ces ressources naturelles, vous comprendrez mieux les liens entre crise agraire, crise alimentaire et crise environnementale. A partir d’études de cas spécifiques, c’est votre regard sur les dynamiques globales contemporaines qui en sera modifié.

A la fin du cours, par rapport à des problématiques liées à la gestion des ressources naturelles (ruée sur la terre, le sous-sol, l’eau et/ou la forêt), vous serez capables de:

  • comprendre, comparer et analyser des modèles théoriques qui permettent de décoder de telles problématiques
  • décomposer ces problématiques en causes, conséquences, solutions et points de vue divergents sur ces trois elements
  • repérer, dans votre environnement, des cas d'étude qui illustrent ces problématiques et leur appliquer le processus de décomposition vu dans le cours.

Vous serez invités à choisir deux ressources naturelles parmi les quatre proposées. Vous développerez les apprentissages annoncés au travers de présentations vidéo par la professeur et par des experts, de QCM, d’un jeu de plateau à jouer avec vos proches (Land Rush), de débats et de cas d’étude proposés par vous, que vous schématiserez et présenterez aux autres via une activité d’évaluation par les pairs.

What kind of link exists between the exploitation of natural resources (land, water, minerals, forests) and sustainable development? This course aims to understand the opportunities and challenges implied by the presence of natural resources at both local and global levels. You will be analyzing the socioeconomic and ecological effects of the contemporary natural resource rush. This will help you to gain a better understanding of the links between land, food and environmental crises. Through the analysis of specific case studies, you’ll look at contemporary global dynamics in a different way.

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Udemy $20 Closed [?] Business Histology

Earn From Forex With Free Money.NO INVESTMENT...You do not need to invest your real money to earn from forex.

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Udemy $150 Closed [?] Business Histology Reading and Writing

This course will fast-track your trading career by sharing our many years' of industry experience to boost your income.

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Udemy $67 Closed [?] Business Histology

Conquer The Forex Market By Trading Like The Pros...With No Experience Required!

Starts : 2016-09-15
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edX Free Closed [?] Business English Biology Book distribution Nutrition Quality

Imagine that you are a bank and a main part of your daily business is to lend money. Unfortunately, lending money is a risky business - there is no 100% guarantee that you will get all your money back. If the borrower defaults, you will face losses in your portfolio. Or, in a bit less extreme scenario, if the credit quality of your counterparty deteriorates according to some rating system, the loan will become more risky. These are typical situations in which credit risk manifests itself.

According to the Basel Accord, a global regulation framework for financial institutions, credit risk is one of the three fundamental risks a bank or any other regulated financial institution has to face when operating in the markets (the two other risks being market risk and operational risk). As the 2008 financial crisis has shown us, a correct understanding of credit risk and the ability to manage it are fundamental in today’s world.

This course offers you an introduction to credit risk modelling and hedging. We will approach credit risk from the point of view of banks, but most of the tools and models we will overview can be beneficial at the corporate level as well.

At the end of the course, you will be able to understand and correctly use the basic tools of credit risk management, both from a theoretical and, most of all, a practical point of view. This will be a quite unconventional course. For each methodology, we will analyse its strengths as well as its weaknesses. We will do this in a rigorous way, but also with fun: there is no need to be boring.

Thanks to the wonderful feedback of last year’s students, the course has been further improved.
Follow us on Twitter @CRMooc for updates and hints about the course.


What is the estimated effort for course?
The total effort is 48 hours. You can decide for yourself when you will work on the course.

How much does it cost to take the course?

Nothing! The course is free.

Will the text of the lectures be available?

Yes. All of our lectures will have transcripts synced to the videos.

Do I need to watch the lectures live?

No. You can watch the lectures at your leisure.

Is this course related to campus courses of Delft University of Technology?

Yes, this course can be seen as an evolution of the WI3421TU Risk Management course, a compulsory course of the Minor Finance at TU Delft.

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Udacity Free Closed [?] Business CMS Nutrition

Everyone designs. Design occurs anytime you deliberately change an environment to make things better. When you decide what seat to take in an auditorium you’re designing your experience. When you rearrange the furniture in a room or draft an email, you’re designing. This course provides a summary of key concepts from the first two chapters of The Design of Everyday Things (Revised and Expanded Edition, November 2013) by Don Norman. It’s intended to be enjoyable and informative for anyone curious about design: everyday people, technical people, designers, and non-designers alike.

No votes Free Closed [?] Business clive lewis Abnormal sexual function American Government Amnesty InternationalX Biology Book distribution

This course introduces the basic financial statements used by most businesses, as well as the essential tools used to prepare them. This course will serve as a resource to help business students succeed in their upcoming university-level accounting classes, and as a refresher for upper division accounting students who are struggling to recall elementary concepts essential to more advanced accounting topics. Business owners will also benefit from this class by gaining essential skills necessary to organize and manage information pertinent to operating their business. At the conclusion of the class, students will understand the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. They will be able to differentiate between cash basis and accrual basis techniques, and know when each is appropriate. They

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Udemy $47 Closed [?] Business Histology

Learn how to succeed in the Forex Market by using simple trend following techniques.

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Udemy Free Closed [?] Business Histology

An Overview Of The Forex Market To Help You Determine If Getting Involved Is For You. / Get Your Feet Wet For Free.

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Udemy Free Closed [?] Business Histology

learn about the basics of forex trading and how to use the Meta Trader 4 platform

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Udemy $288 Closed [?] Business Histology

For aspiring traders to quickly pick up the basics of FX, FX trading and Price Action Trading Methodology.

Starts : Aug 30, 2013
No votes Free Business Database.htm%253F&sortby%253Dname&datetype%253D&pricetype%253D.htm%3Fsortby%3Drating&.htm?datetype=a HumanitiesandScience Nutrition Rational expressions

A key skill for HR practitioners or hiring managers is the ability to attract talent to the organization. Today, the availability of social media tools has changed this process, although the end result is the same. Because the tools change so quickly, this course offers a framework for using social media to your advantage, rather than discussing specific social media platforms in detail. This course addresses a key aspect of attracting talent—the employer brand.

No votes Free Closed [?] Business HumanitiesandScience Nutrition

Here is your chance to learn about digital badges and micro-credentialing, a great new way to engage students by recognizing their achievements at various stages in the learning process. This course will include a brief history of digital badges (or “badging”), an introduction to planning your badging system, and an introduction to creating and displaying badges. It will prepare you to make considerations for federal student information policies to develop internal procedures that support micro-credentialing programs. Participants may include educators and learning specialists who are already using badges; those who are aware of badges but have not been using them; anyone considering using badges; and anyone who knows nothing about digital badges and micro-credentialing but who wants to learn! Participants will have the opportunity to earn badges through class discussions and course assignments. “Learn-by-doing” is essential in this four-week course.

No votes Free Closed [?] Business HumanitiesandScience Nutrition

Digital commerce is an emerging area of business and career. According to the research firm Forrester, the sector will reach $370 billion in sales by 2017 and make up 10 percent of total retail sales in the U.S. This course will provide an introduction to the key concepts, business models, and current and future trends in digital commerce. You will also learn how you can start your online store using a leading digital commerce platform that has more than 70,000 stores worldwide–Shopify. Whether you're a student, entrepreneur, or just looking to enhance your knowledge about this emerging sector, this course is for you. The course also offers an opportunity for top performing participants to be mentored by experts and/or successful entrepreneurs about 'Careers in E-Commerce'. Mentors will guide qualifying participants about job avenues and career paths in the sector or review and offer suggestions on business plans for starting online ventures.

No votes Free Closed [?] Business HumanitiesandScience Nutrition

Technological advances have enabled organizations to tap into talent wherever it may be located. This course is designed to expose HR professionals and leaders to the business case for remote work and key drivers to align remote work programs in their organizations’ strategic priorities.

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Khan Academy Free Closed [?] Business American Government Amnesty InternationalX Class2Go

Cash Accounting. Accrual Basis of Accounting. Comparing Accrual and Cash Accounting. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Relationship. Basic Cash Flow Statement. Doing the example with Accounts Payable growing. Fair Value Accounting. Expensing a Truck leads to inconsistent performance. Depreciating the truck. Depreciation in Cash Flow. Amortization and Depreciation. Cash Accounting. Accrual Basis of Accounting. Comparing Accrual and Cash Accounting. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Relationship. Basic Cash Flow Statement. Doing the example with Accounts Payable growing. Fair Value Accounting. Expensing a Truck leads to inconsistent performance. Depreciating the truck. Depreciation in Cash Flow. Amortization and Depreciation.

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Udemy $699 Closed [?] Business Histology

Learn how to MAKE A LIVING & BUILD WEALTH in the FOREX market

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Udemy $79 Closed [?] Business Histology

Provides beginning forex traders with the essential tools and market knowledge in order to build winning FX strategies.

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Udemy $9 Closed [?] Business Histology

How to Predict and Enter the big Market Moves in Forex.

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Udemy $69 Closed [?] Business Histology

You want to profit from the high yielding Forex market, but don't want the stress involved in trading, take this course

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