Online courses directory (841)

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Starts : 2010-09-01
9 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

15.389B Global Entrepreneurship Lab: Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa enables teams of students to work with the top management of global start-ups and gain experience in running, and consulting to, a new enterprise outside the United States. The focus is on start-ups operating in emerging markets throughout the world, with a special focus on Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa. The course combines an internship in a growing firm with in-class discussions of the issues and policies that affect the climate for innovation and start-up success around the world.

Special Features

15.389B is part of a two-section course and includes materials that cover entrepreneurship in Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa. 15.389A Global Entrepreneurship Lab: Asia-Pacific is also available on OpenCourseWare and covers topics pertinent to these additional regions.

Starts : 2011-09-01
13 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

This course examines opportunities and risks firms face in today's global market. It provides conceptual tools for analyzing how governments and social institutions influence economic competition among firms embedded in different national settings. Public policies and institutions that shape competitive outcomes are examined through cases and analytical readings on different companies and industries operating in both developed and emerging markets.

Starts : 2003-02-01
18 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

This course examines the opportunities and risks firms face in today's global world. The course provides conceptual tools for analyzing how governments and a variety of social and economic institutions influence competition among firms embedded in different national settings. Public policies and institutions that shape competitive outcomes are examined through cases and analytic readings on different companies and industries operating in both developed and emerging markets.  In addition to traditional case/class discussions, this course will include some presentations by various guest speakers. The hope is that greater exposure to/interaction with these real-world practitioners will "bring to life" some of the issues discussed in the readings/cases. Whenever possible, informal dinners and/or coffees will be organized for small groups of students interested in meeting with our guest speakers.

Starts : 2012-02-01
13 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

This subject focuses on the specifics of strategy and organization of the multinational company, and provides a framework for formulating successful and adaptive strategies in an increasingly complex world economy. Topics include the globalization of industries, the continuing role of country factors in competition, organization of multinational enterprises, and building global networks. This particular version of the subject is taught and tailored specifically to those enrolled in the MIT Sloan Fellows Program.

Starts : 2015-02-02
No votes
Coursera Free Business English BabsonX Biology Book distribution Nutrition

The majority of businesses say they want to become more global. And business leaders say that the lack of people with global intelligence is the key constraint holding them back. This course will address both gaps — at the business and the personal level, it will focus on practical strategies for dealing with the real consequences of globalization.

Starts : 2003-02-01
16 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition Structural+engineering

The objective of this course is to introduce you to the role of government in markets where competitive equilibria “fail.” In this course we will emphasize the importance of market structure and industrial performance, including the strategic interaction of firms. We will examine the behavior of individual markets in some detail, focusing on cost analysis, the determinants of market demand, investment behavior, market power, and the implications of government regulatory behavior. The course will be broken into three parts. In the first part, we will review firm behavior and the theory of the market. Here, we will discuss perfectly competitive markets (our “benchmark”), efficiency, market structure, strategic competition, and productivity. Once the foundations of the market are well understood, we will then move on to the second part of the course, where we will study “economic” regulation. Here, we will look at the behavior of natural monopolies and regulatory options for dealing with them. And in the third part of the course, we will study “social” regulation—focusing on environmental, health, and safety regulation.

No votes Free Closed [?] Business HumanitiesandScience Nutrition

This five-week, instructor-led, open online course is targeted to learners who would like to develop better skills in grant writing to serve organizational funding needs. The course is targeted primarily to volunteers and staff members of non-profit organizations, whether they are involved at the community, provincial/state level, or national level. This includes individuals who may find themselves in positions where they are making or considering making grant applications but have little or no training or experience. In these days of limited resources, more organizations are looking for grants to assist them in creating or expanding new programs to meet increased needs and demands. Successful grant writing is becoming a skill requirement for both professional and volunteer leaders. The course will provide learners with the skills and tools to identify potential grant sources and walk them through the steps to successful completion of the grant application process. Real-life examples and applications in the course will provide learners with practical experience. The instructor will provide basic theory and tips to strengthen confidence and skills in successful grant writing. Students will have the opportunity to complete an application for a selected program or initiative. Upon successful completion of all course tasks, the School of Health and Human Performance at Dalhousie University in Canada will issue you a certificate of course completion.

96 votes
Khan Academy Free Closed [?] Business Class2Go General Test Prep

Greek Debt Recession and Austerity (part 1). Greek Financial Crisis (part 2). How and why Greece would leave the Euro (part 3). Why Europe is worried about Greece.

Starts : 2014-10-20
100 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Business English BabsonX Book distribution Nutrition

This course focuses on the common growth challenges faced by existing private businesses when they attempt to grow substantially.

Starts : 2015-01-12
104 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Business English BabsonX Book distribution Nutrition

This course focuses on the common human resource ("people") challenges faced by existing private businesses when they attempt to grow substantially. PART 1 OF THE GROW TO GREATNESS COURSE IS NOT A PREREQUISITE FOR TAKING THIS COURSE.

Starts : 2014-05-06
No votes
Iversity Free Closed [?] Business Abnormal sexual function Global+food History+of+Math History+of+Math Software analysis

Dieser Kurs vermittelt die Grundzüge des Marketings und gibt einen Überblick von Konzepten, Strategien und Werkzeugen. Im Zentrum des Kurses stehen vier Themenbereiche: Produkt-, Kommunikations-, Preis- und Distributionspolitik.

Starts : 2013-03-25
106 votes
Coursera Free Business English BabsonX Biology Curriculum Nutrition

This course will explore the many problems of the American health care system and discuss the specific ways that the Affordable Care Act will impact access, quality, costs, as well as medical innovation.

Starts : 2014-04-21
103 votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Business English BabsonX Book distribution Curriculum Nutrition

This interdisciplinary course focuses on sustainable innovation, introducing entrepreneurial students to the realities of problem identification and solution design within the complex world of healthcare.

4 votes
Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan Free Business +clive+lewis CSS3 Design EdX.htm%253Fcategoryid%253D7.htm%3Fcategoryid%3D22 Epidemiology Primality Testing

HMP 607 is the third in a three-course sequence intended to impart to generalist administrators the knowledge of finance and accounting necessary to manage health care organizations. The first course, HMP 608, covers financial accounting. The second course, HMP 606, focuses on managerial accounting topics. This third course concentrates on corporate finance topics. It aims to impart an understanding of how finance theory and practice can inform the decision-making of the health care firm. As such, HMP 607 is most appropriately considered a corporate finance course, as opposed to a course in financial markets. In addition, it will integrate corporate finance and accounting theories, institutional knowledge of health care finance, and applications to specific problems. Course Level: Graduate This Work, HMP 607 - Corporate Finance for Health Care Administrators, by Jack Wheeler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

310 votes
Udacity Free Popular Closed [?] Business CMS Nutrition

In an introduction to the basics of the famous Customer Development Process, Steve Blank provides insight into the key steps needed to build a successful startup. The main idea in this course is learning how to rapidly develop and test ideas by gathering massive amounts of customer and marketplace feedback. Many startups fail by not validating their ideas early on with real-life customers. In order to mitigate that, students will learn how to get out of the building and search for the real pain points and unmet needs of customers. Only with these can the entrepreneur find a proper solution and establish a suitable business model. Building a startup is not simply building an execution plan for a business model that the entrepreneur thinks will work, but rather, a search for the actual business model itself.

No votes
Udemy $9 Closed [?] Business Histology

How to Predict and Enter the big Market Moves in Forex.

No votes
Udemy $69 Closed [?] Business Histology

You want to profit from the high yielding Forex market, but don't want the stress involved in trading, take this course

Starts : 2012-02-01
11 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Business Infor Information environments Information Theory Journalism Nutrition

Firms must develop major innovations to prosper, but they don't know how to. However, recent research into the innovation process has made it possible to develop breakthroughs systematically. 15.356 How to Develop Breakthrough Products and Services explores several practical idea generation development methods. To convey the art required to implement each of these methodologies, experts are invited to present real cases to the class.

No votes
Udemy $197 Closed [?] Business Histology

A Guide to beating the forex market by getting 10 times your investment on your trades.

No votes
Udemy $99 Closed [?] Business Histology

The complete step by step system to profiting from forex trading.

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