Online courses directory (258)

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Starts : 2013-09-23
No votes
edX Free Closed [?] Engineering Before 1300: Ancient and Medieval History Business Nutrition Undergraduate.htm%25252525253Fstart%25252525253D80&limit%25252525253D20.htm%252525253Fpricetype%2525 WizIQ.htm%252525253Fcategoryid%252525253D22.htm%2525253Fcategoryid%2525253D18.htm%253Fcategoryid%253

This course is taught in Mandarin. A basic EE course for the general MOOCer about circuits and multiple-disciplinary case studies. (Taught in Mandarin.)

Starts : 2003-01-01
13 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Engineering Infor Information control Information Theory International development Nutrition

Introduce students to the creative design process, based on the scientific method and peer review, by application of fundamental principles and learning to complete projects according to schedule and within budget. Subject relies on active learning through a major team-based design-and-build project focused on the need for a new consumer product identified by each team. Topics to be learned while teams create, design, build, and test their product ideas include formulating strategies, concepts and modules, and estimation, concept selection, machine elements, design for manufacturing, visual thinking, communication, teamwork, and professional responsibilities.

Starts : 2014-03-03
111 votes
Coursera Free Engineering English BabsonX Calculus I Diencephalon How to Succeed Nutrition

This course will focus on the theory, design and operation of commercial nuclear power reactors. The course will also touch on contemporary issues regarding nuclear power generation including: the nuclear fuel cycle, the economics of nuclear power, and nuclear non-proliferation.

Starts : 2007-02-01
12 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Engineering Infor Information environments Information Theory Janux Nutrition

This seminar-style class will focus on evaluating and recommending alternative commuter and business-related transportation policies for the MIT campus. Emphasis will be placed on reducing transportation-related energy usage in a sustainable manner in response to President Hockfield's "Walk the Talk" energy initiative. Students will explore the relative roles of MIT and the MBTA as transportation providers, as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of related subsidy policies currently in place for all modes of transportation.

Starts : 2007-09-01
15 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Engineering Diencephalon Infor Information control Information Theory Nutrition

5.33 focuses on advanced experimentation, with particular emphasis on chemical synthesis and the fundamentals of quantum chemistry, illustrated through molecular spectroscopy. The written and oral presentation of experimental results is also emphasized in the course.


The materials for 5.33 reflect the work of many faculty members associated with this course over the years.


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Starts : 2002-02-01
13 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Computer Sciences Before 1300: Ancient and Medieval History Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition

Following a brief classroom discussion of relevant principles, each student in this course completes the paper design of several advanced circuits such as multiplexers, sample-and-holds, gain-controlled amplifiers, analog multipliers, digital-to-analog or analog-to-digital converters, and power amplifiers. One of each student's designs is presented to the class, and one may be built and evaluated. Associated laboratory assignments emphasize the use of modern analog building blocks. This course is worth 12 Engineering Design Points.

Starts : 2014-10-27
No votes
Coursera Free Closed [?] Engineering English BabsonX How to Succeed Nutrition

This course is an exciting look at the advanced study of rigid bodies in motion (dynamics) as applied to engineering systems and structures.

Starts : 2002-09-01
12 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Engineering Infor Information environments Information Theory Janux Nutrition

Designed to familiarize students with theories and analytical tools useful for studying research literature, this course is a survey of fluid mechanical problems in the water environment. Because of the inherent nonlinearities in the governing equations, we shall emphasize the art of making analytical approximations not only for facilitating calculations but also for gaining deeper physical insight. The importance of scales will be discussed throughout the course in lectures and homeworks. Mathematical techniques beyond the usual preparation of first-year graduate students will be introduced as a part of the course. Topics vary from year to year.

Starts : 2013-09-01
19 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Engineering Infor Information environments Information Theory International development Nutrition

This course is a survey of principal concepts and methods of fluid dynamics. Topics include mass conservation, momentum, and energy equations for continua; Navier-Stokes equation for viscous flows; similarity and dimensional analysis; lubrication theory; boundary layers and separation; circulation and vorticity theorems; potential flow; introduction to turbulence; lift and drag; surface tension and surface tension driven flows.

Starts : 2003-09-01
13 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Engineering Infor Information environments Information Theory Janux Nutrition

1.364 examines site characterization and geotechnical aspects of the design and construction of foundation systems. Topics include: site investigation (with emphasis on in situ testing), shallow (footings and raftings) and deep (piles and caissons) foundations, excavation support systems, groundwater control, slope stability, soil improvement (compaction, soil reinforcement, etc.), and construction monitoring. This course is a core requirement for the Geotechnical Master of Engineering program at MIT.

Starts : 2005-09-01
8 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Social Sciences Infor Information environments Information Theory JaverianaX Nutrition Reading assessment reading comprehension

Advanced Igneous Petrology covers the history of and recent developments in the study of igneous rocks. Students review the chemistry and structure of igneous rock-forming minerals and proceed to study how these minerals occur and interact in igneous rocks. The course focuses on igneous processes and how we have learned about them through studying a number of significant sites worldwide.

Starts : 2012-09-01
15 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Social Sciences Infor Information environments Information Theory Java Nutrition

This course will explore the mutual influences of ideas of nature, theories of city design and planning, and practices of urban design, construction, and management. We will investigate how natural processes shape urban landscapes (from the scale of street corner to region) and how to intervene strategically in those processes in order to achieve certain goals. We will examine cases of cities that adapted successfully to natural processes and those that did not. Students will then have the opportunity to research a case of their choice and to present their findings for discussion. The subject may be historical or an an example of contemporary theory and practice. Additional information is also available at Professor Spirn's class website.

Starts : 2012-09-01
No votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Closed [?] Social Sciences Infor Information environments Information Theory Java Nutrition

This course will explore the mutual influences of ideas of nature, theories of city design and planning, and practices of urban design, construction, and management. We will investigate how natural processes shape urban landscapes (from the scale of street corner to region) and how to intervene strategically in those processes in order to achieve certain goals. We will examine cases of cities that adapted successfully to natural processes and those that did not. Students will then have the opportunity to research a case of their choice and to present their findings for discussion. The subject may be historical or an an example of contemporary theory and practice. Additional information is also available at Professor Spirn's class website.

Starts : 2004-09-01
5 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Closed [?] Engineering Infor Information environments Information Theory Janux Nutrition

This class presents the application of principles of soil mechanics. It considers the following topics: the origin and nature of soils; soil classification; the effective stress principle; hydraulic conductivity and seepage; stress-strain-strength behavior of cohesionless and cohesive soils and application to lateral earth stresses; bearing capacity and slope stability; consolidation theory and settlement analysis; and laboratory and field methods for evaluation of soil properties in design practice.

Starts : 2004-02-01
13 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Engineering Infor Information environments Information Theory International development Nutrition

This course begins with the foundations of 3D elasticity, fluid and elastic wave equations, elastic and plastic waves in rods and beams, waves in plates, and dynamics and acoustics of cylindrical shells. The course considers acoustic fluids effects such as radiation and scattering by submerged plates and shells, and interaction between structural elements. Finally, it covers the response of plates and shells to high-intensity loads, dynamic plasticity and fracture, and structural damage caused by implosive and impact loads.

This course was originally offered in Course 13 (Department of Ocean Engineering) as 13.811. In 2005, ocean engineering subjects became part of Course 2 (Department of Mechanical Engineering), and this course was renumbered 2.067.

Starts : 2006-02-01
16 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Physical Sciences Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition Vectors

This course introduces students to a quantitative approach to studying the problems of physiological adaptation in altered environments, especially microgravity and partial gravity environments. The course curriculum starts with an Introduction and Selected Topics, which provides background information on the physiological problems associated with human space flight, as well as reviewing terminology and key engineering concepts. Then curriculum modules on Bone Mechanics, Muscle Mechanics, Musculoskeletal Dynamics and Control, and the Cardiovascular System are presented. These modules start out with qualitative and biological information regarding the system and its adaptation, and progresses to a quantitative endpoint in which engineering methods are used to analyze specific problems and countermeasures. Additional course curriculum focuses on interdisciplinary topics, suggestions include extravehicular activity and life support. The final module consists of student term project work.

Starts : 2006-09-01
24 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Physical Sciences Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition Vectors

This course introduces the various aspects of present and future Air Traffic Control systems. Among the topics in the present system that we will discuss are the systems-analysis approach to problems of capacity and safety, surveillance, including the National Airspace System and Automated Terminal Radar Systems, navigation subsystem technology, aircraft guidance and control, communications, collision avoidance systems and sequencing and spacing in terminal areas. The class will then talk about future directions and development and have a critical discussion of past proposals and of probable future problem areas.

Starts : 2004-02-01
9 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Physical Sciences Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition Vectors

This course addresses the architecting of air transportation systems. The focus is on the conceptual phase of product definition, including technical, economic, market, environmental, regulatory, legal, manufacturing, and societal factors. It centers on a realistic system case study and includes a number of lectures from industry and government. Past examples include: the Very Large Transport Aircraft, a Supersonic Business Jet, and a Next Generation Cargo System. The course identifies the critical system level issues and analyzes them in depth via student team projects and individual assignments. The overall goal of the semester is to produce a business plan and a system specifications document that can be used to assess candidate systems.

Starts : 2004-09-01
10 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Physical Sciences Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition Vectors

This class includes a brief review of applied aerodynamics and modern approaches in aircraft stability and control. Topics covered include static stability and trim; stability derivatives and characteristic longitudinal and lateral-directional motions; and physical effects of the wing, fuselage, and tail on aircraft motion. Control methods and systems are discussed, with emphasis on flight vehicle stabilization by classical and modern control techniques; time and frequency domain analysis of control system performance; and human-pilot models and pilot-in-the-loop controls with applications. Other topics covered include V/STOL stability, dynamics, and control during transition from hover to forward flight; parameter sensitivity; and handling quality analysis of aircraft through variable flight conditions. There will be a brief discussion of motion at high angles-of-attack, roll coupling, and other nonlinear flight regimes.

Starts : 2005-09-01
13 votes
MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) Free Engineering Infor Information environments Information Theory Nutrition Vectors

16.885J offers a holistic view of the aircraft as a system, covering: basic systems engineering; cost and weight estimation; basic aircraft performance; safety and reliability; lifecycle topics; aircraft subsystems; risk analysis and management; and system realization. Small student teams retrospectively analyze an existing aircraft covering: key design drivers and decisions; aircraft attributes and subsystems; and operational experience. Oral and written versions of the case study are delivered. For the Fall 2005 term, the class focuses on a systems engineering analysis of the Space Shuttle. It offers study of both design and operations of the shuttle, with frequent lectures by outside experts. Students choose specific shuttle systems for detailed analysis and develop new subsystem designs using state of the art technology.

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