Courses tagged with "Company" (17)
Adding and subtracting positive and negative whole numbers. Starts with 1+1=2 and covers carrying, borrowing, and word problems. Basic Addition. 1-digit addition. Basic Subtraction. 1-digit subtraction. Example: Adding two digit numbers (no carrying). 2-digit addition. Subtraction 2. Example: 2-digit subtraction (no borrowing). 2 and 3-digit subtraction. Level 2 Addition. Introduction to carrying when adding. Addition 3. Addition with carrying. Addition 4. 4-digit addition with carrying. Subtraction 3: Introduction to Borrowing or Regrouping. Why borrowing works. Borrowing once example 1. Borrowing once example 2. Subtraction with borrowing. Regrouping (borrowing) twice example. 4-digit subtraction with borrowing. Alternate mental subtraction method. Level 4 Subtraction. Subtraction Word Problem. Addition and subtraction word problems. Basic Addition. 1-digit addition. Basic Subtraction. 1-digit subtraction. Example: Adding two digit numbers (no carrying). 2-digit addition. Subtraction 2. Example: 2-digit subtraction (no borrowing). 2 and 3-digit subtraction. Level 2 Addition. Introduction to carrying when adding. Addition 3. Addition with carrying. Addition 4. 4-digit addition with carrying. Subtraction 3: Introduction to Borrowing or Regrouping. Why borrowing works. Borrowing once example 1. Borrowing once example 2. Subtraction with borrowing. Regrouping (borrowing) twice example. 4-digit subtraction with borrowing. Alternate mental subtraction method. Level 4 Subtraction. Subtraction Word Problem. Addition and subtraction word problems.
You already have many tools in your mathematical toolkit. In this topic, you'll use these in settings that you're likely to encounter in the real world!. Reading tables 1. Reading tables 1. Reading tables 2. Reading tables 2. Stem-and-leaf Plots. Reading stem and leaf plots. Reading stem and leaf plots. Reading Pictographs. Reading pictographs 1. Reading pictographs 2. Reading Bar Graphs. Histograms. Reading bar charts 1. Reading bar charts 1. Creating bar charts 1. Creating bar charts 1. Reading bar charts 2. Reading bar charts 2. Reading bar charts 3. Reading bar charts 3. Reading Line Graphs. Reading line charts 1. Reading Pie Graphs (Circle Graphs). Misleading Line Graphs. Multistep word problems example 1). Multistep word problems example 2). Multistep word problems example 3). Multistep equations without variables. Greater than and less than symbols. Comparing whole numbers. Plotting inequalities on a number line. Writing numerical inequalities exercise. Writing numerical inequalities. Inequalities in one variable 1 exercise. Inequalities in one variable 1. Inequalities on a number line. Inequalities on a number line. Rational number word problem example 1. Rational number word problem example 2. Rational number word problem example 3. Adding decimals of different signs word problem. Rational number word problems. Figuring out days of the week. Math patterns example 1. Math patterns example 2. Math patterns. Relationships between patterns. Interpreting relationships between patterns. Interpreting and graphing relationships between patterns. Visualizing and interpreting relationships between patterns. Constructing numerical expressions example. Evaluating an expression with and without parentheses. Expressions with parentheses. Reading tables 1. Reading tables 1. Reading tables 2. Reading tables 2. Stem-and-leaf Plots. Reading stem and leaf plots. Reading stem and leaf plots. Reading Pictographs. Reading pictographs 1. Reading pictographs 2. Reading Bar Graphs. Histograms. Reading bar charts 1. Reading bar charts 1. Creating bar charts 1. Creating bar charts 1. Reading bar charts 2. Reading bar charts 2. Reading bar charts 3. Reading bar charts 3. Reading Line Graphs. Reading line charts 1. Reading Pie Graphs (Circle Graphs). Misleading Line Graphs. Multistep word problems example 1). Multistep word problems example 2). Multistep word problems example 3). Multistep equations without variables. Greater than and less than symbols. Comparing whole numbers. Plotting inequalities on a number line. Writing numerical inequalities exercise. Writing numerical inequalities. Inequalities in one variable 1 exercise. Inequalities in one variable 1. Inequalities on a number line. Inequalities on a number line. Rational number word problem example 1. Rational number word problem example 2. Rational number word problem example 3. Adding decimals of different signs word problem. Rational number word problems. Figuring out days of the week. Math patterns example 1. Math patterns example 2. Math patterns. Relationships between patterns. Interpreting relationships between patterns. Interpreting and graphing relationships between patterns. Visualizing and interpreting relationships between patterns. Constructing numerical expressions example. Evaluating an expression with and without parentheses. Expressions with parentheses.
This tutorial will help us make sure we can go deep on arithmetic. We'll explore various ways to represent whole numbers, place value, order of operations, rounding and various other properties of arithmetic. Introduction to Order of Operations. Order of Operations. Order of Operations 1. More Complicated Order of Operations Example. Order of Operations examples. Order of operations. Place Value 1. Place Value 2. Place Value 3. Place value. Representing numbers. Representing numbers. Comparing place values. Understanding place value 1 exercise. Understanding place value 1. Place value relationships example. Rounding Whole Numbers 1. Rounding Whole Numbers 2. Rounding Whole Numbers 3. Rounding whole numbers. The Distributive Property. The Distributive Property 2. Distributive Property Example 1. Distributive property exercise. Distributive property. Counting 1 exercise. Counting 1. Regrouping numbers intro various place values. Comparing whole number place values. Largest possible number from 4 digits example. Understanding whole number representations. Recognizing irrational numbers. Recognizing rational and irrational numbers. Regrouping whole numbers. Regrouping whole numbers example 1. Regrouping whole numbers example 2. Regrouping whole numbers. Commutative Law of Addition. Commutative Property for Addition. Commutative Law of Multiplication. Associative Law of Addition. Associative Law of Multiplication. CA Algebra I: Number Properties and Absolute Value. Properties of numbers 1. Number properties terminology 1. Identity Property of 1. Identity property of 1 (second example). Identity property of 0. Inverse Property of Addition. Inverse Property of Multiplication. Properties of numbers 2. Introduction to Order of Operations. Order of Operations. Order of Operations 1. More Complicated Order of Operations Example. Order of Operations examples. Order of operations. Place Value 1. Place Value 2. Place Value 3. Place value. Representing numbers. Representing numbers. Comparing place values. Understanding place value 1 exercise. Understanding place value 1. Place value relationships example. Rounding Whole Numbers 1. Rounding Whole Numbers 2. Rounding Whole Numbers 3. Rounding whole numbers. The Distributive Property. The Distributive Property 2. Distributive Property Example 1. Distributive property exercise. Distributive property. Counting 1 exercise. Counting 1. Regrouping numbers intro various place values. Comparing whole number place values. Largest possible number from 4 digits example. Understanding whole number representations. Recognizing irrational numbers. Recognizing rational and irrational numbers. Regrouping whole numbers. Regrouping whole numbers example 1. Regrouping whole numbers example 2. Regrouping whole numbers. Commutative Law of Addition. Commutative Property for Addition. Commutative Law of Multiplication. Associative Law of Addition. Associative Law of Multiplication. CA Algebra I: Number Properties and Absolute Value. Properties of numbers 1. Number properties terminology 1. Identity Property of 1. Identity property of 1 (second example). Identity property of 0. Inverse Property of Addition. Inverse Property of Multiplication. Properties of numbers 2.
Understanding decimals conceptually, using operations with decimals, rounding and estimating with decimals, and converting decimals. Decimal Place Value. Decimal Place Value 2. Writing out a decimal in words. Expanding out a decimal by place value. Writing a decimal to represent a quantity. Writing and interpreting decimals. Comparing place values in decimals. Comparing decimal place value. Using money to understand decimal place value. Money and decimal place value intuition. Regrouping with decimals. Regrouping with decimals example. Regrouping decimals example 2. Regrouping decimals. Decimals on a Number Line. Decimals on the number line 1. Points on a number line. Decimals on the number line 2. Positive and negative decimals on a number line. Decimals on the number line 3. Comparing decimals example 1. Comparing decimals example 2. Comparing decimals 1. Comparing decimals example 3. Comparing decimals example 4. Comparing decimals 2. Adding decimals example 1. Adding decimals example 2. Adding decimals example 3. Adding decimals 0.5. Adding decimals 1. Adding decimals 2. Subtracting Decimals. Subtracting decimals 0.5. Subtracting decimals. Adding decimals word problem. Subtracting Decimals Word Problem. Adding and subtracting decimals word problems. Subtracting decimals (old). Multiplying Decimals. Multiplying decimals example 2. Multiple examples multiplying decimals. Multiplying decimals. Dividing completely to get decimal answer. Dividing completely to get decimal answer example 2. Dividing completely. Dividing a decimal by a whole number. Dividing decimals 1. Dividing a whole number by a decimal. Dividing decimals 2. Dividing Decimals. Dividing decimal. Dividing decimals. Converting fractions to decimals (ex1). Converting fractions to decimals (ex2). Converting fractions to decimals. Converting Fractions to Decimals Example. Converting fractions to decimals. Decimals and Fractions. Converting decimals to fractions 1 (ex 1). Converting decimals to fractions 1 (ex 2). Converting decimals to fractions 1 (ex 3). Converting decimals to fractions 1. Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 1). Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 2). Converting decimals to fractions 2. Describing the Meaning of Percent. Describing the Meaning of Percent 2. Representing a number as a decimal, percent, and fraction. Converting decimals to percents (ex 1). Converting decimals to percents (ex 2). Converting decimals to percents. Converting percents to decimals (ex 1). Converting percents to decimals (ex 2). Converting percents to decimals. Finding percentages example. Percent word problems. Taking a percentage example. Finding percents. Identifying Percent Amount and Base. Representing a number as a decimal, percent, and fraction 2. Ordering numeric expressions. Growing by a percentage. Solving Percent Problems. Solving Percent Problems 2. Solving Percent Problems 3. Discount tax and tip word problems. Markup and commission word problems. Rounding Decimals. Rounding numbers. Estimation with Decimals. Estimation with decimals. Significant Figures. More on Significant Figures. Addition and Subtraction with Significant Figures. Multiplying and Dividing with Significant Figures. Significant figures. Multiplying a Decimal by a Power of 10. Dividing a Decimal by a Power of 10. Dividing a decimal by a power of 10 (part 2). Understanding moving the decimal. Fractions as division by a power of 10. Adding and subtracting a decimal percentage and fraction. Adding fractions decimals and percentages. Adding and subtracting three fractions. Adding and subtracting rational numbers. Decimal Place Value. Decimal Place Value 2. Writing out a decimal in words. Expanding out a decimal by place value. Writing a decimal to represent a quantity. Writing and interpreting decimals. Comparing place values in decimals. Comparing decimal place value. Using money to understand decimal place value. Money and decimal place value intuition. Regrouping with decimals. Regrouping with decimals example. Regrouping decimals example 2. Regrouping decimals. Decimals on a Number Line. Decimals on the number line 1. Points on a number line. Decimals on the number line 2. Positive and negative decimals on a number line. Decimals on the number line 3. Comparing decimals example 1. Comparing decimals example 2. Comparing decimals 1. Comparing decimals example 3. Comparing decimals example 4. Comparing decimals 2. Adding decimals example 1. Adding decimals example 2. Adding decimals example 3. Adding decimals 0.5. Adding decimals 1. Adding decimals 2. Subtracting Decimals. Subtracting decimals 0.5. Subtracting decimals. Adding decimals word problem. Subtracting Decimals Word Problem. Adding and subtracting decimals word problems. Subtracting decimals (old). Multiplying Decimals. Multiplying decimals example 2. Multiple examples multiplying decimals. Multiplying decimals. Dividing completely to get decimal answer. Dividing completely to get decimal answer example 2. Dividing completely. Dividing a decimal by a whole number. Dividing decimals 1. Dividing a whole number by a decimal. Dividing decimals 2. Dividing Decimals. Dividing decimal. Dividing decimals. Converting fractions to decimals (ex1). Converting fractions to decimals (ex2). Converting fractions to decimals. Converting Fractions to Decimals Example. Converting fractions to decimals. Decimals and Fractions. Converting decimals to fractions 1 (ex 1). Converting decimals to fractions 1 (ex 2). Converting decimals to fractions 1 (ex 3). Converting decimals to fractions 1. Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 1). Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 2). Converting decimals to fractions 2. Describing the Meaning of Percent. Describing the Meaning of Percent 2. Representing a number as a decimal, percent, and fraction. Converting decimals to percents (ex 1). Converting decimals to percents (ex 2). Converting decimals to percents. Converting percents to decimals (ex 1). Converting percents to decimals (ex 2). Converting percents to decimals. Finding percentages example. Percent word problems. Taking a percentage example. Finding percents. Identifying Percent Amount and Base. Representing a number as a decimal, percent, and fraction 2. Ordering numeric expressions. Growing by a percentage. Solving Percent Problems. Solving Percent Problems 2. Solving Percent Problems 3. Discount tax and tip word problems. Markup and commission word problems. Rounding Decimals. Rounding numbers. Estimation with Decimals. Estimation with decimals. Significant Figures. More on Significant Figures. Addition and Subtraction with Significant Figures. Multiplying and Dividing with Significant Figures. Significant figures. Multiplying a Decimal by a Power of 10. Dividing a Decimal by a Power of 10. Dividing a decimal by a power of 10 (part 2). Understanding moving the decimal. Fractions as division by a power of 10. Adding and subtracting a decimal percentage and fraction. Adding fractions decimals and percentages. Adding and subtracting three fractions. Adding and subtracting rational numbers.
Understanding and solving exponents without algebra. Understanding Exponents. Understanding Exponents 2. Level 1 Exponents. Level 2 Exponents. Level 3 exponents. Exponent Rules Part 1. Exponent Rules Part 2.
Understanding and solving exponents without algebra. Introduction to exponents. Raising a number to the 0th and 1st power. Powers of 1 and -1. Powers of fractions. Powers of zero. Exponent example 1. Exponent example 2. Positive and zero exponents. Understanding Square Roots. Square roots of perfect squares. Approximating Square Roots. Estimating square roots. Simplifying square roots. Simplifying radicals. Square Roots and Real Numbers. Simplifying radicals. Simplifying radicals 2. Adding and simplifying radicals. Adding and subtracting radicals. Finding Cube Roots. Cube root of a non-perfect cube. Simplifying a cube root. Cube roots. Cube roots 2. Patterns in zeros exercise. Patterns in zeros. Exponent Rules Part 1. Exponent Rules Part 2. Exponent Properties Involving Quotients. Exponent rules. Negative exponents. Negative Exponent Intuition. Zero, Negative, and Fractional Exponents. Negative exponents. Basic fractional exponents. Negative fractional exponent examples. Negative fractional exponent examples 2. Fractional exponents. Fractional exponents with numerators other than 1. Fractional exponents 2. Introduction to scientific notation. Scientific Notation. Scientific notation intuition. Scientific Notation Examples. Scientific Notation I. Scientific Notation Example 2. Scientific notation. Orders of magnitude exercise example 1. Orders of magnitude exercise example 2. Orders of magnitude. Multiplying in Scientific Notation. Multiplying in scientific notation example. Dividing in scientific notation example. Multiplying and dividing in scientific notation. Multiplying and dividing scientific notation. Simplifying a complicated expression into scientific notation. Calculating red blood cells in the body using scientific notation. Computing in scientific notation. Introduction to exponents. Raising a number to the 0th and 1st power. Powers of 1 and -1. Powers of fractions. Powers of zero. Exponent example 1. Exponent example 2. Positive and zero exponents. Understanding Square Roots. Square roots of perfect squares. Approximating Square Roots. Estimating square roots. Simplifying square roots. Simplifying radicals. Square Roots and Real Numbers. Simplifying radicals. Simplifying radicals 2. Adding and simplifying radicals. Adding and subtracting radicals. Finding Cube Roots. Cube root of a non-perfect cube. Simplifying a cube root. Cube roots. Cube roots 2. Patterns in zeros exercise. Patterns in zeros. Exponent Rules Part 1. Exponent Rules Part 2. Exponent Properties Involving Quotients. Exponent rules. Negative exponents. Negative Exponent Intuition. Zero, Negative, and Fractional Exponents. Negative exponents. Basic fractional exponents. Negative fractional exponent examples. Negative fractional exponent examples 2. Fractional exponents. Fractional exponents with numerators other than 1. Fractional exponents 2. Introduction to scientific notation. Scientific Notation. Scientific notation intuition. Scientific Notation Examples. Scientific Notation I. Scientific Notation Example 2. Scientific notation. Orders of magnitude exercise example 1. Orders of magnitude exercise example 2. Orders of magnitude. Multiplying in Scientific Notation. Multiplying in scientific notation example. Dividing in scientific notation example. Multiplying and dividing in scientific notation. Multiplying and dividing scientific notation. Simplifying a complicated expression into scientific notation. Calculating red blood cells in the body using scientific notation. Computing in scientific notation.
Understanding and finding factors and multiples. After these videos, you'll be ready for fractions. Divisibility Tests for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10. Recognizing Divisibility. The Why of the 3 Divisibility Rule. The Why of the 9 Divisibility Rule. Divisibility tests. Finding Factors of a Number. Finding factors and multiples. Divisibility 0.5. Divisibility Intuition. Divisibility intuition. Prime Numbers. Recognizing Prime Numbers. Prime numbers. Composite numbers. Prime Factorization. Prime factorization exercise. Prime factorization. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic. Common Divisibility Examples. Divisibility. Least common multiple exercise. Least common multiple exercise 2. Least Common Multiple (LCM). Old Least Common Multiple. Least common multiple. Greatest common divisor factor exercise. Greatest Common Divisor. Greatest common divisor. LCM and GCF (greatest common factor) word problems. LCM and GCD word problems. Divisibility Tests for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10. Recognizing Divisibility. The Why of the 3 Divisibility Rule. The Why of the 9 Divisibility Rule. Divisibility tests. Finding Factors of a Number. Finding factors and multiples. Divisibility 0.5. Divisibility Intuition. Divisibility intuition. Prime Numbers. Recognizing Prime Numbers. Prime numbers. Composite numbers. Prime Factorization. Prime factorization exercise. Prime factorization. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic. Common Divisibility Examples. Divisibility. Least common multiple exercise. Least common multiple exercise 2. Least Common Multiple (LCM). Old Least Common Multiple. Least common multiple. Greatest common divisor factor exercise. Greatest Common Divisor. Greatest common divisor. LCM and GCF (greatest common factor) word problems. LCM and GCD word problems.
Understanding fractions conceptually, using operations with fractions, and converting fractions. Introduction to fractions. Identifying Fraction Parts. Recognizing fractions exercise. Recognizing fractions 0.5. Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction. Identifying numerators and denominators. Plotting basic fractions on the number line. Fractions on the number line 1. Fraction word problems 1 exercise. Fraction word problems 1. Visualizing equivalent fractions. Equivalent fraction word problem example. Equivalent fraction word problem example 2. Equivalent fraction word problem example 3. Visualizing equivalent fractions. Fractions cut and copy 1 exercise. Fractions cut and copy 1. Fractions in lowest terms. Simplifying fractions. Equivalent fractions. Equivalent Fractions Example. Finding Common Denominators. Equivalent fractions. Equivalent fractions 2. Comparing Fractions. Comparing Fractions 2. Comparing fractions 1. Comparing fractions 2. Ordering Fractions. Ordering fractions. Decomposing a fraction visually. Decomposing a mixed number. Adding up to a fraction drag and drop example. Decomposing fractions. Adding Fractions with Like Denominators. Adding fractions with common denominators. Subtracting Fractions. Subtracting fractions with common denominators. Adding and subtracting fractions. Adding Fractions with Unlike Denominators. Adding fractions (ex 1). Adding fractions. Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. Subtracting fractions. Adding and subtracting fractions. Adding fractions with different signs. Adding fractions examples. What fraction of spider eyes are looking at me?. How much more piano practice?. How long is this lizard?. Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators word problems. Adding fractions with unlike denominators word problem. Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators word problem. Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators word problems. Multiplying fractions and whole numbers. Multiplying fractions by integers. Multiplying a fraction by a fraction. Multiplying Fractions. Multiplying fractions 0.5. Multiplying negative and positive fractions. Multiplying fractions. Multiplying fractions by whole numbers word problems. Multiplication as scaling. Fraction multiplication as scaling. Creating a fraction through division of whole numbers. My share of soap as a mixed number on a number line. Understanding fractions as division. Putting out bowls of potpurri. Spending the weekend studying. How many t-shirts can I make?. Dividing fractions by whole numbers. Dividing whole numbers by fractions. Division with fractions and whole numbers word problems. Examples of dividing negative fractions. Dividing fractions. Dividing Fractions Example. Dividing positive and negative fractions. Dividing fractions word problems. Dividing fractions word problems 2. How long will three movies last?. My family loves milk. We must have eaten more pie!. Multiplying fractions and whole numbers word problems. Making banana oat muffins...mmm. How much laundry detergent left?. Biking to a friend. Multiplying fractions by fractions word problems. Comparing improper fractions and mixed numbers. Mixed numbers and improper fractions. Proper and Improper Fractions. Converting Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions. Changing a Mixed Number to an Improper Fraction. Changing an Improper Fraction to a Mixed Number. Converting mixed numbers and improper fractions. Positive improper fractions on the number line. Fractions on the number line 2. Ordering improper fractions and mixed numbers. Comparing improper fractions and mixed numbers. Ordering improper fractions and mixed numbers. Fractions cut and copy 2 exercise example. Fractions cut and copy 2. Points on a number line. Fractions on the number line 3. Adding Mixed Numbers. Adding Mixed Numbers with Unlike Denominators. Adding Mixed Numbers Word Problem. Subtracting Mixed Numbers. Subtracting Mixed Numbers 2. Subtracting Mixed Numbers Word Problem. Adding and subtracting mixed numbers 0.5 (ex 1). Adding and subtracting mixed numbers 0.5 (ex 2). Adding and subtracting mixed numbers 0.5. Adding and subtracting mixed numbers 1 (ex 1). Adding and subtracting mixed numbers 1 (ex 2). Adding and subtracting mixed numbers 1. Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers. Multiplying Mixed Numbers. Multiplying mixed numbers 1. Reciprocal of a Mixed Number. Dividing Mixed Numbers. Dividing Mixed Numbers and Fractions. Decimals and Fractions. Converting Fractions to Decimals Example. Converting fractions to decimals (ex1). Converting fractions to decimals (ex2). Converting fractions to decimals. Converting fractions to decimals. Representing a number as a decimal, percent, and fraction 2. Representing a number as a decimal, percent, and fraction. Converting decimals to fractions 1 (ex 1). Converting decimals to fractions 1 (ex 2). Converting decimals to fractions 1 (ex 3). Converting decimals to fractions 1. Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 1). Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 2). Converting decimals to fractions 2. Ordering numeric expressions. Ordering numbers. Converting a fraction to a repeating decimal. Writing fractions as repeating decimals. Number Sets. Number Sets 1. Number Sets 2. Number Sets 3. Introduction to fractions. Identifying Fraction Parts. Recognizing fractions exercise. Recognizing fractions 0.5. Numerator and Denominator of a Fraction. Identifying numerators and denominators. Plotting basic fractions on the number line. Fractions on the number line 1. Fraction word problems 1 exercise. Fraction word problems 1. Visualizing equivalent fractions. Equivalent fraction word problem example. Equivalent fraction word problem example 2. Equivalent fraction word problem example 3. Visualizing equivalent fractions. Fractions cut and copy 1 exercise. Fractions cut and copy 1. Fractions in lowest terms. Simplifying fractions. Equivalent fractions. Equivalent Fractions Example. Finding Common Denominators. Equivalent fractions. Equivalent fractions 2. Comparing Fractions. Comparing Fractions 2. Comparing fractions 1. Comparing fractions 2. Ordering Fractions. Ordering fractions. Decomposing a fraction visually. Decomposing a mixed number. Adding up to a fraction drag and drop example. Decomposing fractions. Adding Fractions with Like Denominators. Adding fractions with common denominators. Subtracting Fractions. Subtracting fractions with common denominators. Adding and subtracting fractions. Adding Fractions with Unlike Denominators. Adding fractions (ex 1). Adding fractions. Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. Subtracting fractions. Adding and subtracting fractions. Adding fractions with different signs. Adding fractions examples. What fraction of spider eyes are looking at me?. How much more piano practice?. How long is this lizard?. Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators word problems. Adding fractions with unlike denominators word problem. Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators word problem. Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators word problems. Multiplying fractions and whole numbers. Multiplying fractions by integers. Multiplying a fraction by a fraction. Multiplying Fractions. Multiplying fractions 0.5. Multiplying negative and positive fractions. Multiplying fractions. Multiplying fractions by whole numbers word problems. Multiplication as scaling. Fraction multiplication as scaling. Creating a fraction through division of whole numbers. My share of soap as a mixed number on a number line. Understanding fractions as division. Putting out bowls of potpurri. Spending the weekend studying. How many t-shirts can I make?. Dividing fractions by whole numbers. Dividing whole numbers by fractions. Division with fractions and whole numbers word problems. Examples of dividing negative fractions. Dividing fractions. Dividing Fractions Example. Dividing positive and negative fractions. Dividing fractions word problems. Dividing fractions word problems 2. How long will three movies last?. My family loves milk. We must have eaten more pie!. Multiplying fractions and whole numbers word problems. Making banana oat muffins...mmm. How much laundry detergent left?. Biking to a friend. Multiplying fractions by fractions word problems. Comparing improper fractions and mixed numbers. Mixed numbers and improper fractions. Proper and Improper Fractions. Converting Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions. Changing a Mixed Number to an Improper Fraction. Changing an Improper Fraction to a Mixed Number. Converting mixed numbers and improper fractions. Positive improper fractions on the number line. Fractions on the number line 2. Ordering improper fractions and mixed numbers. Comparing improper fractions and mixed numbers. Ordering improper fractions and mixed numbers. Fractions cut and copy 2 exercise example. Fractions cut and copy 2. Points on a number line. Fractions on the number line 3. Adding Mixed Numbers. Adding Mixed Numbers with Unlike Denominators. Adding Mixed Numbers Word Problem. Subtracting Mixed Numbers. Subtracting Mixed Numbers 2. Subtracting Mixed Numbers Word Problem. Adding and subtracting mixed numbers 0.5 (ex 1). Adding and subtracting mixed numbers 0.5 (ex 2). Adding and subtracting mixed numbers 0.5. Adding and subtracting mixed numbers 1 (ex 1). Adding and subtracting mixed numbers 1 (ex 2). Adding and subtracting mixed numbers 1. Multiplying Fractions and Mixed Numbers. Multiplying Mixed Numbers. Multiplying mixed numbers 1. Reciprocal of a Mixed Number. Dividing Mixed Numbers. Dividing Mixed Numbers and Fractions. Decimals and Fractions. Converting Fractions to Decimals Example. Converting fractions to decimals (ex1). Converting fractions to decimals (ex2). Converting fractions to decimals. Converting fractions to decimals. Representing a number as a decimal, percent, and fraction 2. Representing a number as a decimal, percent, and fraction. Converting decimals to fractions 1 (ex 1). Converting decimals to fractions 1 (ex 2). Converting decimals to fractions 1 (ex 3). Converting decimals to fractions 1. Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 1). Converting decimals to fractions 2 (ex 2). Converting decimals to fractions 2. Ordering numeric expressions. Ordering numbers. Converting a fraction to a repeating decimal. Writing fractions as repeating decimals. Number Sets. Number Sets 1. Number Sets 2. Number Sets 3.
Multiplying and dividing positive and negative whole numbers, understanding place value, and rounding numbers. Number line 1. Number line 1. Basic Multiplication. Multiplying 1-digit numbers. Multiplication 2: The Multiplication Tables. Example: Ways to represent multiplication. Multiplication 3: 10,11,12 times tables. Division 1. Basic division. 1-digit division. Example: Expressing division in multiple ways. Comparing with multiplication exercise. Comparing with multiplication. Example: 1-digit multiplication word problem. Multiplication word problem example 1. Division word problem example 1. Multiplication and division word problems. Multiplication and division word problems 2. Multiplication and division word problems 2. Multiplying by multiples of 10. Multiplying by multiples of 10. 2-digit times 1-digit number. 2 digit times 1 digit example (no carrying). 3 digit times 1 digit example (no carrying). Multiplication without carrying. 2 digit times 1 digit example. 3 digit times 1 digit example. 4 digit times 1 digit example. Multiplication with carrying. 2-digit times a 2-digit number. Example: 2-digit times 2-digit. Multiplying 2 digits by 2 digits. Multiple Digit Numbers. Multi-digit multiplication. Multiplication estimation example. Multiplication 7: Old video giving more examples. Introduction to long division. Multi-digit division without remainders. Introduction to remainders. Long division with remainder example. More long division without and with remainders. Division with remainders. Dividing by a two digit number. Division by 2 digits. Multi-digit division. Level 4 division. Lattice Multiplication. Why Lattice Multiplication Works. Partial Quotient Division. Partial Quotient Method of Division 2. Multi step word problems with whole numbers exercise 1. Multi step word problems with whole numbers exercise 2. Multi step word problems with whole numbers exercise 3. Multi-step word problems with whole numbers. Understanding multiplication through area models. Area model for multiplication. Number line 1. Number line 1. Basic Multiplication. Multiplying 1-digit numbers. Multiplication 2: The Multiplication Tables. Example: Ways to represent multiplication. Multiplication 3: 10,11,12 times tables. Division 1. Basic division. 1-digit division. Example: Expressing division in multiple ways. Comparing with multiplication exercise. Comparing with multiplication. Example: 1-digit multiplication word problem. Multiplication word problem example 1. Division word problem example 1. Multiplication and division word problems. Multiplication and division word problems 2. Multiplication and division word problems 2. Multiplying by multiples of 10. Multiplying by multiples of 10. 2-digit times 1-digit number. 2 digit times 1 digit example (no carrying). 3 digit times 1 digit example (no carrying). Multiplication without carrying. 2 digit times 1 digit example. 3 digit times 1 digit example. 4 digit times 1 digit example. Multiplication with carrying. 2-digit times a 2-digit number. Example: 2-digit times 2-digit. Multiplying 2 digits by 2 digits. Multiple Digit Numbers. Multi-digit multiplication. Multiplication estimation example. Multiplication 7: Old video giving more examples. Introduction to long division. Multi-digit division without remainders. Introduction to remainders. Long division with remainder example. More long division without and with remainders. Division with remainders. Dividing by a two digit number. Division by 2 digits. Multi-digit division. Level 4 division. Lattice Multiplication. Why Lattice Multiplication Works. Partial Quotient Division. Partial Quotient Method of Division 2. Multi step word problems with whole numbers exercise 1. Multi step word problems with whole numbers exercise 2. Multi step word problems with whole numbers exercise 3. Multi-step word problems with whole numbers. Understanding multiplication through area models. Area model for multiplication.
Understanding and using negative numbers. Negative Numbers Introduction. Ordering Negative Numbers. Adding Negative Numbers. Adding integers with different signs. Adding/Subtracting negative numbers. Multiplying Positive and Negative Numbers. Dividing Positive and Negative Numbers. Why a Negative Times a Negative is a Positive.
Extending our understanding of numbers below 0. Thinking about "absolute" distance from 0. Negative Numbers Introduction. Negative numbers on the number line. Number line 3. Ordering Negative Numbers. Ordering negative numbers. Number opposites. Number opposites. Negative Numbers Introduction. Number opposites. Example: Adding negative numbers. Example: Adding integers with different signs. Adding negative numbers. Adding and subtracting negative number examples. Why Subtracting a Negative Equivalent to Adding a Positive. Adding and subtracting negative numbers. Negative number word problems 1. Negative number word problems. Adding decimals of different signs word problem. Adding/Subtracting negative numbers. Multiplying Positive and Negative Numbers. Why a Negative Times a Negative is a Positive. Why a Negative Times a Negative Makes Intuitive Sense. Dividing Positive and Negative Numbers. Example: Multiplying numbers with different signs. Multiplying and dividing negative numbers. Multiplying and dividing negative numbers. Absolute Value and Number Lines. Absolute Value 1. Finding absolute values. Absolute Value of Integers. Comparing Absolute Values. Comparing absolute values. Absolute value word problems exercise. Absolute value word problems. Constructing and interpreting absolute value. Constructing and interpreting absolute value. Negative Numbers Introduction. Negative numbers on the number line. Number line 3. Ordering Negative Numbers. Ordering negative numbers. Number opposites. Number opposites. Negative Numbers Introduction. Number opposites. Example: Adding negative numbers. Example: Adding integers with different signs. Adding negative numbers. Adding and subtracting negative number examples. Why Subtracting a Negative Equivalent to Adding a Positive. Adding and subtracting negative numbers. Negative number word problems 1. Negative number word problems. Adding decimals of different signs word problem. Adding/Subtracting negative numbers. Multiplying Positive and Negative Numbers. Why a Negative Times a Negative is a Positive. Why a Negative Times a Negative Makes Intuitive Sense. Dividing Positive and Negative Numbers. Example: Multiplying numbers with different signs. Multiplying and dividing negative numbers. Multiplying and dividing negative numbers. Absolute Value and Number Lines. Absolute Value 1. Finding absolute values. Absolute Value of Integers. Comparing Absolute Values. Comparing absolute values. Absolute value word problems exercise. Absolute value word problems. Constructing and interpreting absolute value. Constructing and interpreting absolute value.
Defining and using the commutative, associative, distributive, identity, and inverse properties. Commutative Law of Addition. Commutative Law of Multiplication. Associative Law of Addition. Associative Law of Multiplication. Commutative Property for Addition. The Distributive Property. The Distributive Property 2. Distributive Property Example 1. CA Algebra I: Number Properties and Absolute Value. Identity Property of 1. Identity property of 1 (second example). Identity property of 0. Inverse Property of Addition. Inverse Property of Multiplication. Why Dividing by Zero is Undefined. Why Zero Divided by Zero is Undefined/Indeterminate. Undefined and Indeterminate.
Understanding, solving, and converting percents. Describing the Meaning of Percent. Describing the Meaning of Percent 2. Representing a number as a decimal, percent, and fraction. Converting decimals to percents (ex 1). Converting decimals to percents (ex 2). Identifying Percent Amount and Base. Solving Percent Problems. Solving Percent Problems 2. Solving Percent Problems 3. Growing by a percentage. Representing a number as a decimal, percent, and fraction 2. Ordering numeric expressions.
Solving and writing ratios and proportions without algebra. Introduction to Ratios (new HD version). Understanding Proportions. Ratios as Fractions in Simplest Form. Simplifying Rates and Ratios. Find an Unknown in a Proportion 2. Finding Unit Rates. Finding Unit Prices. Unit conversion. Converting units of length. Conversion between metric units. U.S. Customary and Metric units. Converting within the metric system. Converting Gallons to quarts pints and cups. Converting pounds to ounces. Comparing Celsius and Farenheit temperature scales. Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius. Speed translation.
Introduction to Ratios (new HD version). Ratios as Fractions in Simplest Form. Simplifying Rates and Ratios. Expressing ratios as fractions. Describing ratios exercise. Describing ratios. Ratio word problem exercise example 1. Ratio word problem exercise example 2. Ratio word problems. Proportion validity example. Solving ratio problems with tables exercise. Solving ratio problems with tables exercise 2. Solving ratio problems with tables exercise 3. Solving ratio problems with tables. Usain Bolt's Average Speed. Finding Unit Rates. Finding Unit Prices. Rate problems 0.5. Multiple rates word problem. Rate problems 2. Converting pounds to ounces. Converting Gallons to quarts pints and cups. Converting Yards into Inches. Performing arithmetic calculations on units of volume. Application problems involving units of weight. Solving application problems involving units of volume. Gas cost for a roadtrip. Squirrel survival. Converting units of length. Unit Conversion Example: Drug Dosage. Unit Conversion with Fractions. Units. Speed translation. Unit conversion within the metric system. Converting within the metric system. Perimeter and Unit Conversion. Applying the Metric System. Conversion between metric units. U.S. Customary and Metric units. Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius. Comparing Celsius and Farenheit temperature scales. Introduction to Ratios (new HD version). Ratios as Fractions in Simplest Form. Simplifying Rates and Ratios. Expressing ratios as fractions. Describing ratios exercise. Describing ratios. Ratio word problem exercise example 1. Ratio word problem exercise example 2. Ratio word problems. Proportion validity example. Solving ratio problems with tables exercise. Solving ratio problems with tables exercise 2. Solving ratio problems with tables exercise 3. Solving ratio problems with tables. Usain Bolt's Average Speed. Finding Unit Rates. Finding Unit Prices. Rate problems 0.5. Multiple rates word problem. Rate problems 2. Converting pounds to ounces. Converting Gallons to quarts pints and cups. Converting Yards into Inches. Performing arithmetic calculations on units of volume. Application problems involving units of weight. Solving application problems involving units of volume. Gas cost for a roadtrip. Squirrel survival. Converting units of length. Unit Conversion Example: Drug Dosage. Unit Conversion with Fractions. Units. Speed translation. Unit conversion within the metric system. Converting within the metric system. Perimeter and Unit Conversion. Applying the Metric System. Conversion between metric units. U.S. Customary and Metric units. Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius. Comparing Celsius and Farenheit temperature scales.
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