Courses tagged with "ImperialX" (2)

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1 2 3 4 5
4 votes
Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan Free Computer Sciences ImperialX Investments Polynomial and rational functions Trauma

As data collection and information networks expand (and stories of security breaches and the misuse of personal information abound), data security and privacy issues are increasingly central parts of the information policy landscape. Legislators, regulators, businesses, and other institutions of all kinds are under increasing pressure to draft and implement effective laws, regulations, and security and privacy programs under rapidly changing technological, business, and legal conditions. A strong need is arising for individuals with the training and skills to work in this unsettled and evolving environment. This course examines security issues related to the safeguarding of sensitive personal and corporate information against inadvertent disclosure; policy and societal questions concerning the value of security and privacy regulations, the real-world effects of data breaches on individuals and businesses, and the balancing of interests among individuals, government, and enterprises; current and proposed laws and regulations that govern data security and privacy; private-sector regulatory efforts and self-help measures; emerging technologies that may affect security and privacy concerns; and issues related to the development of enterprise data security programs, policies, and procedures that take into account the requirements of all relevant constituencies, e.g., technical, business, and legal. Course Level: Graduate This Work, SI 510 - Special Topics: Data Security and Privacy: Legal, Policy and Enterprise Issues, by Don Blumenthal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

1 2 3 4 5
4 votes
Open.Michigan Initiative, University of Michigan Free Computer Sciences human sexuality ImperialX Obesity Polynomial and rational functions Qa testing training in Tecnológico de Monterrey

This seminar provides students an opportunity to do in-depth research into an information policy topic of their interest. Students will gain an understanding of current United States Government Policy in areas involved with information and information technology. Policies are forming and changing daily. In order to keep up with these changes the class includes guest lecturers who are studying or actually creating policies in the information area. The first part of the course consists of the student selecting and defining a topic. The second part of the course involves the presentation and discussion of the topic. As an advanced graduate course there is an expectation that the final paper will be, with suitable editing, publishable in a journal. Course Level: Graduate This Work, SI 550 - Seminar on Information Policy, by Victor Rosenberg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license.

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