Courses tagged with "Health+&+Society" (1)

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Khan Academy Free Closed [?] Mathematics Class2Go Health+&+Society

Videos on trigonometry. Watch the "Geometry" playlist first if you have trouble understanding the topics covered here. Basic Trigonometry. Basic Trigonometry II. Radians and degrees. Using Trig Functions. Using Trig Functions Part II. The unit circle definition of trigonometric function. Unit Circle Definition of Trig Functions. Graph of the sine function. Graphs of trig functions. Graphing trig functions. More trig graphs. Determining the equation of a trigonometric function. Trigonometric Identities. Proof: sin(a+b) = (cos a)(sin b) + (sin a)(cos b). Proof: cos(a+b) = (cos a)(cos b)-(sin a)(sin b). Trig identities part 2 (parr 4 if you watch the proofs). Trig identies part 3 (part 5 if you watch the proofs). Trigonometry word problems (part 1). Trigonometry word problems (part 2). Law of cosines. Navigation Word Problem. Proof: Law of Sines. Ferris Wheel Trig Problem. Ferris Wheel Trig Problem (part 2). Fun Trig Problem. Polar Coordinates 1. Polar Coordinates 2. Polar Coordinates 3. Inverse Trig Functions: Arcsin. Inverse Trig Functions: Arctan. Inverse Trig Functions: Arccos. Trigonometry Identity Review/Fun. Tau versus Pi. IIT JEE Trigonometry Problem 1. IIT JEE Trigonometric Maximum. IIT JEE Trigonometric Constraints. Trigonometric System Example. 2003 AIME II Problem 11.avi. 2003 AIME II Problem 14.

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